Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Tuesday, May 25th, 2010 - Brand X class

Brand X @ 6:30pm

Buy In Deadlifts 3s or 5s not for PR. Work on Form.

Workout: Frindy?

5 minutes of Cindy - 3 rounds + 5 pull ups, 10 push ups, 13 squats
Max Thrusters in 2 minutes 45# - 24
5 minutes of Cindy - 2 squats, then 3 rounds + 5 pull ups, 7 push ups.

Pretty happy. Flat skinny bar. Unbroken pull ups all rounds but one. Didn’t break push ups on the first 5 minutes at all.

Cash out: 2x 200m Pose running practice.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Monday, Row 5K, 22:11 PR

Rowed 5K

1000m 4:17
2000m 8:42
5000m 22:11

Wednesday - Row 5k 22:30

Row 5k 22:30 (-0:06)
Row 2k 8:41 (-0:07)

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Saturday at Home (WOD 100520)

WOD From Thursday

Pack Scaling

95# from shoulder to OH x 20
40 Burpees


Jumped up and sideways on burpees, no barrier

OH were Push Press mostly, 10/8/2

Did 20 burpees after 10 reps of OH were done.


oh x10
burpees x20
oh x8
oh x2
burpees x20

Thursday @ Brand X HSPU, MU, Push Up, Run

Warm up: Double Under Practice

Buy in: 200m, 20 tuck jumps, 20 burpees


3 rounds

3 HSPU (sub 30# db shoulder presses)
5 Muscle up ( sub Bar muscle ups from squat)
15 Push ups

Cap 13:30

Me: 13:32

That was brutal.

Mens rounds were 4 in under 13:30. Same subs.

Cash out: Stretch

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Wednesday, May 19th - Annie

Did Annie at the gym.

Double Unders
Sit ups (Abmat)

I couldn't get a set of DU of more than 5 or 6 and my shoe untied in round 4 which caused my last two rounds to add up to almost 4 minutes.

....and I still got a 32 second PR.


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Monday, May 17th - Amrap in 7 min

65# squat Clean, 10 reps
Situps, 20 reps.

3 rounds exactly.

Could have scaled to 45#...tempting to do again for comparison.

Tuesday, May 18th, 2010 - 50 pushups 3:41

Not a PR, but I did 19 before I felt I was near failure. Then the rest were broken up a lot.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Friday @ Brand X Amrap 12 minutes

Buy in:
Power Clean
15 minutes to work up to a 1 rep max (ANY technique failure on any rep is the end of your climb)

didn't get to a max. Did 85# and 95# Only I think.

AMRAP in 12:
Shuttle run x 3 parking space sprints
10 OHS 95/65

Subbed 30#db dumbbell shoulder press (heavy)

I got 3 rounds plus most of a shuttle run rep.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Thursday, Brand X workout hill sprint, burpees, squats

Front squat.

3 rounds
1 hill sprint
10 burpees and
20 squats


Wednesday - Karen 8:09

Turns out what I thought must be 10' is actually 8'...crap.

150 Wall ball shots
12# Ball to 8' target.


8:44 for the last time using this same setup.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Tuesday - Their warm up was my workout....3x205 DL

Got to Brand X in time for the workout.

Warmup: Sprint 50m 10 squats x2.

Buy in: Sets of 3-5 ME deadlifts.
5x135, 3x185, 3x205 -- kind of a big jump and I thought this was a PR. As far as witnessed at BX it is, but I logged a 3x220 last year at home.

I had to run because it was almost 7pm by then, and since I thought I'd PR'd, I took Jeff's advice from last time and left with happy face instead of a failed 3x210.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Monday - Jackie as RXd

Not really happy with this. I need to work on getting 50 Thrusters unbroken. If I had been at BX, I could have probably done the pull ups in a minute or 2.

Row 1K(4:25)4:52 with transition to bar
50 Thrusters 4:41 with transition to pull ups
30 Pull ups 4:09 climb on stepstool, pull up til I drop off, repeat.

Saturday, Masters DU Helen Solidarity workout

Did the Master DU Helen (WOD #1) from Friday at CF Southwest Regionals

50 Double unders
21 KB swings
12 Pull ups

Cap: 15 minutes.

I was 2 pull ups short of finishing the 2nd round when the timer went off. I finished up the workout at about 23:40. Brutal. The only way I’d be able to finish this is in under 15 is do be able to do sets of 25 DU. RIIIGHT.

Monday, May 03, 2010

Monday - Barbara 3 rounds in 31:36

@work gym

Warmup: practice double unders and squat snatch practice (45#)
Got sets of 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 (PR) DU’s. Almost didnt’ want to stop for my workout.

Which was Barbara interupted - 3 rounds of

20 Pull ups (cable machine - slow)
30 Push ups
40 Sit Ups
50 Squats

in 31:36 - I don’t really have a benchmark for this.

Cash out , more Double unders and squat snatch with 45#

Saturday, May 01, 2010

Saturday @ Brand X 2 10 minute amraps

Alrighty then….it has been a long week. I did 5 workouts in six days. All of them tough. I’m glad three of them were at Brand X. It’s so much more motivating to be there having someone tell you to go faster because when you think you can’t, amazingly, you can!

Saturday AM @ Brand X.

Buy in: 2 prowler pushes (aaaagh!) + vault + forward roll+ bear crawl…repeat for 5 minutes. Got throught twice!


10 minute AMRAP
Thrusters (95/65)
Side to side hops along an unspecfied length of different barriers of varied height.

I used 25# dbs instead of a bar and got 6 rounds + 4 thrusters

Rest 5 Minutes

10 minute AMRAP Rotation between 3 people
Run 200M
Slam ball (duration of teammate #1 run)
Pull ups (duration of teammate #2 run)

Total up reps for slamball and pull ups for team. I don’t know what my team got because we forgot we had to write it on board. I got 78 total. With a bouncy 12# med ball.

Friday - 100m Run, HPS, Burpees

At Brand X - no buy in tonight, short class due to Black Belt Test (woohoo, Instructor LuckyDawg!)

AMRAP in 15 minutes

100m run
10x Hang Power Snatch (75#/55#)
10 burpees

4 rounds + 1 run, 10 HPS 7 burpees. CURSES! I should not have breathed as much between snatch reps!!!!

(I finished the three burpees after time was called to round out 5 rounds in about 15:30)