Thursday, May 30, 2013

Annie 12:22 in jeans. 2 seconds off my all time pr.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Monday, Brand X WOD

Back squats for 5 reps. Capped out at 140 but found out I had done 155x5 in the past 6 months. ok, next time i;ll PR.

then 21-15-9
push jerk 65#
toes to Bar


Also not a pr, but close.

I'm seeing  a trend here.

Working on my diet again and need to force workouts even if I can't get to Brand X to have  +Dan Edelman kick my ass into gear.

My BF % is uncomfortable. Workouts motivate me to eat better. I can do this.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

50 push ups 2:56

50 push ups. 2:56.