Thursday, October 21, 2010

Wednesday, October 20th - RANDY 8:43 PR

At the office gym:

Buy in/warm up:
35# db power snatch 3x R Arm. 3x L Arm
3 Dead hang pull ups.
10 45# clean and jerk

55# power snatch x 75 reps


PR -0:04 from 2008 previous PR. Of note, my last few runs at this were between 11 and 12 minutes. Pretty happy.

02/16/2008 14:18
03/25/2008 08:47
04/21/2008 10:06
07/23/2008 10:45
07/04/2009 11:35
03/01/2010 10:27
06/05/2010 12:37
09/11/2010 11:53
10/20/2010 08:43

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