Went to the 9am class at Brand X (yaaayy!)
Buy in: bear crawl + 1 forward roll +10 s2s hops each foot + jog 2 to end of building + sprint back + 10OHS (repeat)
50 Thrusters (115/75)
if you put the bar down, or rest it anywhere but the front rack position, before you pick it back up again, you must do:
1 round of cindy,during first break
2 rounds of cindy, during second break
3 rounds of cindy, during third break
Cash out, Farmers walk with dumbbells, max pull ups
I finished the workout in 21:02 (looked after throwing bar down) with three breaks 15,10,10,15 (at 45 I refused to put the bar down.)
Farmers walk with 45# dumbbells and then got 13 pull ups.
That was not fun. I’m glad I did it.
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