Sunday, September 11, 2011

Friday, September 9th, 2011

At Brand X

run 200m
2 snatches (ground to oh, any catch depth)

increase weight 5# each round til failure.

if you complete 5 rounds, cashout with 50 TTB
if you complete <5 rounds, cashout with 100 burpees.

I failed in the 5th round at 85#.
100 burpees. <15 mintutes but not timed.

Thrusday, September 8th, 2011

Row 5k

Power outage through southern california, some of
Arizona and Mexico, about halfway through. Good thing the rower is self powered and display is battery powered.

Wednesday, September 7th, 2011

Brand X

Amrap in 6 minutes
1 Hill Sprint
10 Wall Ball
15 Burpess

rest 3 minutes

Repeat twice, picking up where you left off. Accumulate rounds.

3 rounds, 1 hill sprint, 10 wall ball
finished 4th round of burpees after clock stopped.