Friday, August 31, 2007

Friday, Jumping Muscle ups / Kenpo

Paralyisis by Jumping Muscle up.

1 jumping muscle up in the first minute
2 the second minute
3 the third minute

3 in the fourth minute - missed it by that much!

So did about 6 more jumping muscle ups to round out the time to 6 minutes or so. Concentrating on jumping in to a deep dip and pushing out, instead of a half depth dip as instructed by Jeff last time he watched me do seated muscle ups.

Kenpo. Ow, my hamstrings.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Thursday - Mikki's Torture Chamber

15 hours after doing heavy fran in 9:11, came into Brand X to find Mikki writing her class workout on the board:

5 rounds
1 hill sprint (about 100ft sprinted hill of the 200m covered)
15 Thrusters 65#
15 Ring dips.

85* and about 80% humidity made this crushing.

Jumping ring dips in the fifth round.

Jeff had a little laugh when he came in to see me powering 65# up 8 reps at a time. "Mikki, she just did thrusters last night. That's ok. That's crossfit."

I figured since they were a lighter weight than I'd done and a different set/rep scheme it would be ok. And they were pretty solid according to both Jeff and Mikki. The hill sprints and the Ring Dips were the killers.

Wrote my time on the board and said to Jeff, that was horrible.
Mikki got a cute look on her face and said, "Cool, I got a horrible!" and pumped her fists in a victory move. LOL. That was hilarious.

Horrible = Good.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Heavy Fran

85# thrusters
12# weighted pullups
ready for the time? you are gonna die.


The as Jason was calling the 6pm class i was going to find Sifu Dan to tell him, jason goes, "Hey, where you going?" (He saw me working out") "You have to do this one!"

but I just did Heavy Fran....

"So what, that's this one too. It's only 20 minutes. Do the pack."

So of course...I did

15 minutes of
10 1 legge box jumps (no I am not kidding)

I got 7 rounds done.

Earlier today I did 5x5 Shoulder Presses @70# and 5x5 Back Squats @125#

Monday, August 27, 2007

Monday - CrossPit

CrossPit workout
Warmup with 3 laps (sprint 1 long side of building) and then tagging game with knees and shoulders. Stretching.

Then worked on the best muay thai combo from last week worked backwards.

Throw two round kicks to ribs
Clinch and throw partner 180 degrees and throw two round kicks
Clinch, throw 5 knees then ....two round kicks
throw four straight punches then clinch, throw 5 skipping knees....round kicks.

So fun.


10 minutes.
Each minute starts with a 100m sprint then at the end spend the rest of the time using inside defense against straight punch combos from your partner.

That sucked. But I was able to keep up the sprinting.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Back in Black: Sunday Shoulder Presses/Push ups, Slamball, Deadlifts

ok....had a nice three day rest in which
A) I worked some overtime - ok, a lot of overtime
B) I went to see the dead sea scrolls - Lord that's a lot of standing around on your feet.
C) I watched Randy Couture slam his head into Gonzaga's face to make him give up the Heavy Weight Title belt.

Shoulder Press

I knew I could do that! It was difficult though.

Then my own devising of torture to include light deads:

115# deadlifts
Push ups
17# slamball


Deads and pushups broken 8-7-6, 8-7, 9
Slam ball should have done unbroken on 21 but split at 15. Rd 2 and 3 unbroken

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Wednesday - ME and Fishing Lizzie

Per Coach:

Back Squat

These felt good.

Shoulder Press
75x3 (fail at 2)
75x3 (fail at 2)
Not sure why but I think it was the breathing. Shall I reattempt on Friday, GD?

Per Jason (after my lifts and same as 6pm class)

(here's how this went:

Jason: Your back squats look good.
Me: How is the depth?
Jason: It's good.
Me: Jeff told me to do these and push presses are next.
Jason: OK you can do fishing lizzie next.
Me: what's that?
(see below)
Me: what weight should I use?
Jason: 95#
Me: *dies a little inside* OK, sir.)

3 rounds
Row 500M
15 Cleans (start with 95# first round, drop to 65# at 11 reps)
15 Ring dips

sucked. I don't have a good elizabeth time yet, so this is kind of in line, taking into account the heavier cleans at the beginning.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Tuesday @ Brand X Poway

Big Dawgs with mods
burpee box jumps (12 or 15" box?)
subbed abmat for ghd sit-ups

Did the first few with 20 inch box but was too afeard of it to keep a good pace, so Jason let me use the shorter box.


Sunday, August 19, 2007

Sunday - ME work Back Squats and shoulder press

Sore all over from Helphabet soup and carting a 150# contraption up a flight of stairs (in 5 minutes, not a week!)

Back Squat Per Coach/Kim RX

5x5 115

Could not figure out why I was uncomfortable in my hands until I remembered to move my thumbs over the top of the bar.

Then for good measure

Shoulder Press
5x5 70#

Last two sets of SP were shaky on the last reps.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Saturday - Helphapbet Soup

Saturday Class: Hellphabet Soup (Alphabet Soup/Outdoor chipper) - We do this about once a year. Every year I get better. Jeff has not done it this year at all. I keep asking for it so he pulled it out today just for me

A: Run 400M (2 laps)
B: 50/30/15/ pull ups
C: 30/20/10 box jumps
D: 50/35/20 push ups
E: 7 Med Ball throws for heignt
F: 5/3/1 rop climb
G: Farmers walk up and back length of building/15 burpees between trips (back)
H: 15/10/5 Atlas pull ups
I: 25/15/10 toes to bar + 15/10/5 Windshield wipers
J: 50/35/25 kettlebell swings (35#)
K: Sled pull up and back length of building (front)
I got to K at 45 minutes and was trashed. Did the big dawg numbers (first set) and last time did the Pack I'm pretty sure. The rest is:

L: 25 DB Thrusters
M: 50/30/15 pull ups
N: 50/35/20 Sumo DL High pulls
O: 50/35/20 OHS
P: 25 Wall ball
Q: Monkey Bars + 30/20/10 Pull ups
R: 10/5/2 Spartans-Tire Flips
S: 2 laps (400m)

A-S As far as you can get in 45 minutes or go as long as the doors remain open or until you die.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Congrats to Brand X and Jason Dunbar

From the affiliates pages of

Second Location!

Enlarge image
Mikki Martin, Jeff Martin, Jason Dunbar, and Mike Hom at Brand X's second location, CrossFit Poway. The Poway location is starting out as a garage gym and will be managed by Jason. Congrats guys!


Have I mentioned how hilarious this site is??

New article and on the warning page (yes it needs one) there is a link to a totally cool video.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Heavy Thrusters again!

Per Coach although behind schedule.

Heavy, Broken, Runny Fran -- UGH

5 Rounds
9 Thrusters 85#
9 pull ups


Goal was to break 20. Per coach: Not fast enough. Actually, GD did say getting a faster time than last time is good. Next time I have to go faster (manage my rest more strictly).

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Back Squats and Baby Logan Workout

Had a wonderful session with Jeff and Mikki. Coached on the finer points or should I say the basics of back squats.

-Keep the bar low on your back and push your elbows back so that your hand do not support the weight of the bar, your BACK does. Huh.

-Do not look UP. Look at a spot on the floor. Push your knees out as your go down. Also take and hold a deep breath through out the entire rep.

-Push your hips away and back to lower the bar. Don't try to keep your back upright like in an air squat. Let your back move so that you keep the bar centered over your feet. However do not let your chest collapse or lose your lumbar curve.

-When you get down to the hole immediately use that springing function of the hamstrings and glutes to push up with your butt in a straight line. Keep your back in the same position until you feel the tops of your legs taking over.

5 sets of 5 at 115#. Jeff said I did good. Need to work on them at 115 Friday, then if they feel good can go to 120 next Tuesday.

Then at home did some 3 rep sets of chin ups. Very happy about that. And then did "Baby Logan"

Wall ball (to 8' with 17# ball)
Pull ups (chins and pull ups on flat bar. Mixed.)

Wall ball all unbroken!
Chinups in sets of 2 and Pull ups in singles due to the difficulty of my home bar.)

(Don't mention this to any trainers except for Jason: Celebrating with Jack Daniels and Pepsi tonight! Love you guys, Ai and J. Too happy for you and will be dying to see Baby Logan asap!)

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Summary August 3-10 - Crazy Fast week!

Saturday - Grace 5:04 75# PR
Sunday - Modified Jason 21:31 (Squats/ Jumping Muscle ups)
Monday - CrossPit 50 chipper 11:22 Insane
Tuesday - off
Wednesday 21-15-9 HP Cleans 65#/TTB 10:01 Crazy.
Thursday - Back Squats 115 7 sets of 3
Friday - Jackie 10:24 and Kenpo. PR.

The crosspit workout was:
50 thrusters 35#
50 hard fast punches
50 pull ups
50 hard fast punches
50 box jumps 20" box
50 hard fast punches

Needed to be spelled out because it finished it like LIGHTENING! LOL.

Sunday - Isabel 30x 65# Snatch 10:50

Decided to try Isabel instead of grace since I did grace last week and have never done isabel.

30x 65# snatch (squat added as necessary since catch is not deep enough)


Started out with 75# but was not stable enough. So restarted the clock and used 65# for 30 reps. 2 failed reps were re done.

Need a lot of work on this. Next time I may go with 55# so that I can work on the catch being lower.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Painstorm XXVIII

800 M Run
50 Box jumps, 20"
10 Pull ups
40 Overhead squats 65#
10 Pull ups
30 Thrusters 65#
10 Pull ups
20 Handstand push ups
10 Pull ups
15 seated muscle up transitions
10 Pullups
skip the second half of ladder
800 M Run


Friday, August 10, 2007

Friday - Jackie 10:24 and Kenpo.

Today I planned on starting the Friday evening Kenpo, so I got there early enough to do a short workout and rest up to be at my best for class.

Decided on Jackie

Row 1000M
50 thrusters 35# (scaled from 45#)
30 pull ups

"No reason to put that bar down, Laura!" Per Jeff. Ok, technically I did not put it down. But I did rest with it in back squat position and hang position a couple of times. ;) I think 25/15/10 may have broken in there somewhere else.

Pull ups were 10/10/5/5 - should have done the last 10 unbroken. dammit. Jeff and Mike were yelling at me. GET ON THE BAR!

Row was 4:18 which I think might be a PR. Will research and post shortly.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Local Paper Ramona Sentinel Overlooks Local Fitness Phenomenon

Ramona Sentinal appears to be ignoring local fitness success stories.

Week in and week out phenomenal fitness sucesses are happening right in Ramona. Mikki and Jeff Martin are running one of the finest "fitness centers", Brand X Martial Arts, in the country. The facility is one of first CrossFit Affiliates in the country and is turning lives around, making fitness stars and just all around helping out their commmunity in any way they can, not the least of which is kids' fitness and self defense training, reducing obesity in their clients and supporting military families and young men and women stationed away from home.

Our local paper shows all the interest of a cat being coaxed to jump into a bucket of water.

It's a disgrace.

Wednesday 21-15-9 Cleans/TTB 10:01

Wednesday in Jason's class
Cleans 65# (ladies pack weight)
Toes to Bar (big dawg)

I'm not good with Hang Power Cleans and of course that is what Jason said I should do. Everyone was already working on them when I finished dressing out.

Did the first and second rounds unbroken. Second round Jason came by and coached me. Third round I had to break too many times. My grip was shot from TTB and the rough grip on the bar.

Could have done worse. :)

A friend who finally came back to brand x from a long break was there. I don't think I will ever get tired of hearing "Wow, you look great!" He said, I looked chiseled. LOL. I blushed appropriately and got all giddy on the inside. Yay. This is fun.

Monday, August 06, 2007

Monday, CrossPit -- Holy crap! This one hurt.

Holy crap! This one hurt.

Crosspit workout
50 thrusters 35#
50 hard fast punches
50 pull ups
50 hard fast punches
50 box jumps
50 hard fast punches

Worked on getting out of the hole fast on the thrusters. Did not break the punches.
Also working the explosive kip.

I don't mind saying that this time blew my mind. It also made a pain in my side that hurt so bad I nearly cried.

Summary - July 27th-August 2nd

Monday, CrossPit and Speed Pull ups
Saturday: Invisible Fran.... Twice (4:38)
Wednesday - Heavy, fractured Fran 17:17 (-9:30)
Thursday - MU practice, Invisible Fran 4:04
Friday - Private Training, CFT work

Throwing in this weekend as i'm quite proud of my Grace time. Gained 49 seconds using 10# more.

Saturday - Grace 5:04 75# (30 x PC/PP)
Sunday - Modified Jason 21:31 (40 jumping MU, 165 squats)

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Sunday - Modified Jason 21:31

"Jason" - Modified the pack version

For time:
75 Squats
5 Jumping Muscle-ups
50 Squats
10 jumping Muscle-ups
25 Squats
15 jumping Muscle-ups
15 Squats
10 jumping Muscle-ups


If I were not running out of daylight, I could have done the 20 jumping MU probably would have added about 10 minutes to bring me round to the same time as Jeff's and Steve (They being big dawgs of course instead of Pack)

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Saturday Grace 5:04 75#

Practice Dead hangs keeping legs dead hang too. Did about 6 or so before I started to fail. I did a set of 2 at the beginning but I folded up my legs on the way up. Not sure if that counts as strict.

Used "that breathing thing" -- is there a name for that?

Got a nice surprise on Grace a bit later.

30 x Clean & Jerk (power clean / Push press)

5:04 (nuh-uh. yuh-huh!)

I meant to use 80 but while switching a bunch of 5 pounds plates out for 10's forgot to add the 2.5# plates/

Friday, August 03, 2007

Abort Abort NO CFT here, move along folks.

Private with Kim. Started to do the CF Total but I just didn't have it in me.

Thank goodness, "Not Today, Coach" is allowed. Instead worked on some practice with lightish weight:

SP: Stopped after my 75# single, and a failed 80# single.

Back Squat: warming up with 115 felt...OFF.
5x3 115 practice.
5x5 115 deadlifts.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Thursday, MU practice, Invisible Fran

About 10 reps of jumping into the transition of a muscle up and holding in the bottom of the dip, as prescribed by Jeff as a progression exercise.

Invisible Fran.


My push ups are KILLING ME. hmmm possibly, the heavy thrusters. Probably should have done the m/u transitions on another day.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Wednesday - Heavy, fractured Fran 17:17

Per Coach Jeff:

9 rounds of:
5 Thrusters 90#
5 Pull ups 12# vest

All sets unbroken. Pretty happy about that.


Last time with 4kg bell on a belt (maybe 10#) 26:26 - All the thrusters were broken on that one and 3 of the pull up sets were. 9:09

Thrusters were from a rack, so I think that saved energy that I put to better use. The only thruster that felt like it could have been a failure was the last one, and I got half way up and and refused to fail at that one.

I knew I could get a better time if I did not have to eff around with a kettle bell and Jeff told me how to adjust the vest to weigh less.

Pretty happy about the improvement, since I wanted to get in under 20. I got in under 18, that's less than 2 minutes per round!