Saturday, January 28, 2006

Ramona Death March

At Krav Maga class Jeff and Dan had us do the Ramona Death March - One partner with mitts the other punching. 10 punches then pick your partner up and carry them 5-6 steps. Edit to add: Oh yeah. It was UPHILL.

My partner was a very tall woman. Tall. I don't know how much she weighs but she is significantly heavier than I am. She was worried about me picking her up. I had the option of doing squats instead but I decided to try to pick her up after my punches.

You know, a good squat makes all the difference. I got her up an inch or so off the ground and carried her!

"Go Laura!" I heard Jeff yelling during the fiest carry.

Then Dan, during the second.

Carried her 4 times! w00t!

Friday, January 27, 2006

WOD Deadlift 5-5-5-5-5

80# x 5
90# x 5
100# x 5
100# x5
105# x5

I started with 80 because...well that's what I had on the bar. :)
I don't know if those are good weights for this w/o for me. 105 was tough to do 5 reps - touch and go.

body weight 155#

Thursday, January 26, 2006

The sport of fitness, the art of getting better

On the zone again...haha.

Yesterday - did well until Dinner. mmmm fried chicken. ;)

Breakfast 2F - 2P - 2 C
1 pc toast 2/3 tsp butter
1 scr egg
2 slices of Ham,
place ham and egg on toast, fold over wrap in paper towel and microwave 15 seconds. Eat on the run!

coffee 2 Fat
Tall coffee - three shots - heavy cream for lightener.

Lunch 2P 2C 2F
1/2 cup of cottage cheese
2/3 cup of strawberries
(frozen berries - chopped up on food processor placed in cc while still frozen + 2 splenda.

Lunch 2 (later) 2C 2P 2F
2 oz chicken. 1/2 cup peaches. 6 almonds

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Barbara Lite

On January 17th, Garddawg wrote:
12 minutes of rest, minus 43 minutes equals 29 minutes of work. I would scale until you can perform the work under 25 minutes and then bump up.

Scaled in the gym. Knees for pushups. 10 20 30 40 - rest three minutes in between.

Total work = 25:45

Missed it by that much! /Maxwell Smart voice

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Sweet couplet - mmm typing is now difficult

20# kb swings Pushups 23:45

arms rubbery, pukie threatening, out of breath. I did std pushups until 9 rep round (because of failure) then did knee pushups.

Got the idea from Jason, who was going to do this one in his Wed class. I couldn't make it. I also had to sub the push ups due to no slam ball.

Equip to-make list:
Slam ball

Thursday, January 05, 2006

The sport of fitness, the art of getting better

Push Jerk#
65# x 3
65# x 3
70# x 3
70# x 2
75# x 2
75# x 2
80# x 1
80# x 1


missed a rep or mis-counted.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Jonesworthy (modified) : 21:26

Pack variation at brand x:

64-50-32-16-8-4 squats
32-25-16- 8-4-2 kb swings
16-12- 8- 4-2-1 pull ups

adding the first round of 80, 40, 20 may have added another 10 minutes. I'm not sure. I was tempted to do the Big Dog (Unmodified) but it's been a while since I did regular WOD.

Last attempt was in August and I did all the pullups as singles. My time was 37 minutes.

Also a nice note, a man approached me at the end of kickboxing and asked "Are you the young woman *hah* who was doing all those pullups over there *points at pullup bar*? "

Me: *befuddled* Well yes, I was doing a few pullups over there (16-12-8-4-2-1).

man: Very impressive. My niece was watching you saying, "Look her doing pullups! I can't even do one." Have you always been able to do that?

Me: Well, as a matter of fact, a year ago I couldn't even do one and just recently I'm able to do this many in a workout. I did 100 recently.

Man: Well that is amazing. I'll tell my niece that she will be able to learn to do it as well.

So then he asked me how I learned and I showed him jumping pullups and ring rows etc and met his niece and told her to keep working at it and soon she could be doing the pullups as well.

Nice little ego booster.