Saturday, August 30, 2008

Friday, Class at Brand X

6pm class with Connor

7 rounds
Run 300m
7 push jerks. 75#

Weight scaled to finish in the time limit. I lowered the bar from rack position in two rounds. The other 5 rounds were unbroken. Re did a couple of reps due to push pressing it and I heard Jeff telling Connor not to allow push presses for push jerks.

That was horrible.

Edit: I searched my blog because I seem to remember this workout from before but wasn't sure it was with push jerks.

It was. I used 95# but it took me almost 28 minutes. July 08 run 300m, 7x 95# push jerks, 7 rounds.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Friday, August 22 - Nancy

5 rds
Run 400m
15 x 45# ohs

There was a cap of 20 minutes on this workout. Didn’t finish in 20 minutes. Didn't finsh the workout.

Finished 5th run at 20:03

All my ohs were unbroken. Runs killed me.

Wednesday, August 20th - Josh

Cash in : L sits on rings for however long it was til Big D called time.

21 OHS (15@ 65#, 6@45#) the Lsits cramped my quads and my OHS sucks.
42 Pull ups
15 OHS 45# unbroken.
30 Pull ups
9 OHS 45# unbroken
18 Pull ups


This time sucks. I should have just gone with 45#. I know the depth is better so I’ll quit whining now.

Monday, August 18th - Satan's Circus

“Satans Circus”

Cash in - toes to bar til GD said to stop.

There is a 15min cap on this

49 thrusters #35
49 box jumps 20”
49 thrusters #35
49 pull ups
49 thrusters #35
DNF - got through the second set of thrusters.

Cash out 49 AbMat sit ups

“Too stubborn to scale, too stupid to quit.”

Saturday, August 16th - Brand X Baseball

Saturday at Brand X

Squat Clinic

“Brand X Baseball”

2 Teams, A & B. Do a directed exercise, then out the door.

First Base: 10 Burpees
Second Base: 20 Squats
Third Base: 30 Thrusters (Bar only)

1st exercise - 5 Push-Ups
2nd - 20 Pull-Ups
3rd - 20 Box Jumps
4th - ??Ring Dips

I completed 2 runs just as GD and Big D called "Time" eerily early thus ensuring a tie.

Tie Breaker was Spartan Races between the two teams and Team A of which I was a member, won by a crushing 1 point.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Deadlift 3 sets of 5 185#

In GD’s 6:30pm class

buy in: 2 min double unders (1 minute talking 1 minute double 5 double unders)

185x5 deadlift

Cash out:
35 ttb (mostly sets of 5, couple of sets of 3 and 2)
25 kte (5x5)
30 seconds of L -sit (3x10sec)

Wednesday - Griff

Buy In
25 OHS + 1 Sotts Press

800 m run
400 m run backwards
800 m run
400 m run backwards


Cash Out
1:30 L Sit

Monday: Rope Climbs/Push ups - CrossPit

Buy in
Max handstand hold
No idea...maybe a minute.

DNF 3 rounds
50 push ups
3 rope climbs using feet, 12 feet last rope climb failed twice on second round

2 rounds in about 23 minutes.

No cashout...or cashout was Crosspit class?
Warmup: run easy two laps, sprint 1 lap, Shadow box

Skills: Defending and throwing the 4 punch combination (left jab, right straight, left hook, right straight) 3 minutes with partner then switch who is defending and throwing . Work on Left Hook. Work on escaping side control by hip escapes.

CrossPit Workout
Partner A sprints up and back two buildings while B rows.
When A is done he/she spends a minute in escapes from side control.
Reverse partners for Row/Run/Escapes.
Thats one round, Repeat for each partner for a total of two rounds.

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Saturday AM Class at Brand X -- Runny Cindy

Saturday AM Class at Brand X

As Many Runds as Possible (AMRAP) in 20 minutes

400m Run
5 pull ups
10 Push Ups
15 Squats

I was 8 squats short of 2 rounds.

Friday, August 8th - Row 2500m

Rowed 2500M in 11:16

Previous time 11:20.