Thursday, December 21, 2006

Thursday: 1 mile 9:16 /HSPU, 1 arm Snatches 6:40

Ran a mile.

First 1/2 mile split 4:25
Second half mile split 4:49
(1/4 mile splits 2:23 and 2:26 in the second half)

Total time: 9:16
(includes milliseconds)

Second half mile is up hill. If I could get under 9 minutes I would be happy.

I found my time for last time I ran the same mile:
June 1: 1mi @ 9:21 (4:14 for downhill .5 mi, uphill 5:07)

Then the CF Portland workout posted by Nichole yesterday:
12 One Arm DB Snatch L/R 25# DB
9 One Arm DB Snatch
6 One Arm DB Snatch
3 One Arm DB Snatch
12 HSPU (power snatch, partial ROM on HSPU)

Approx 6:40

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