Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Tuesday, Box Steps and Push Press

At home…remind me never to use my iPod for timing a workout using lap meter at same time as using for music.

5 rounds

25 box step ups to bench
25 push press 55#

Hit the stop button instead of lap button at end of lap two and didn’t notice til end of round three it was stopped.

Total for rounds 1,2,4,5 12:04, so evenly completed at about 3 min per round so about 15 if you add 3 min for round 3.


SavvyFitChica said...

Don't you get so mad when you mess up the timer when you're going and don't realize it? Man, I always get so mad at myself!

Hey, can you do a pistol? (one legged squat)

I attempted one today for the first time and couldn't do it. I couldn't even do it modified with my back on a ball against the wall! I need to read about how to modify it even more I guess...and work on strengthening my legs some more.

Unknown said...

So, so angry. Lol

I can almost do a pistol. Try it from a box. The leg that is on box does the squatting. Kind of a negative pistol.