Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Please donate to the CrossFit Fight Gone Bad Fundraiser

As you may be aware, I have been diligently training for the CrossFit Fight Gone Bad event on Saturday, September 29. In addition, I am committed to supporting the Prostate Cancer Foundation in raising funds for prostate cancer research.

Prostate cancer is the most common non-skin cancer in America, affecting one in six men. Men are 35% more likely to be diagnosed with prostate cancer than women are to be diagnosed with breast cancer.

Athletes for a Cure, a program of the Prostate Cancer Foundation, is a fundraising and awareness program to assist individual athletes in their quest to raise money for better treatments and a cure for prostate cancer. The Prostate Cancer Foundation is the world’s largest philanthropic source of support for prostate cancer research with a simple, yet urgent goal: to find better treatments and a cure for recurrent prostate cancer.

I am dedicated to this race and hope that you will support me in reaching my fundraising goal.

Follow This Link to visit my personal web page and help me in my efforts to support Prostate Cancer Foundation

Or cut and past this texgt to your browser window:

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Fran - tough one - 6:46

Surprise! Saturday's class did

95#/65# thrusters
Pull ups

6:46 w/65#
Tony was my partner/coach. Thanks, T-Money.

Bar cleaned from the floor. Only chin past hands pull ups and full rom
on thrusters counted.

21 and 9 -rep rounds unbroken thrusters. Pullups lost about 6 reps due to fatigue. in the 15 and 9 rounds. Frog kips are harder on the arms. Grip held up, tho.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Friday - Grace and kenpo

Grace 30x Clean and Jerk 75#

PR by 33 Seconds.

Sprint 200m 52s (PR by 3 seconds)

21 Frog kip Pull ups in a set

Kenpo 60 minutes.

Wednesday - Painstorm attempted


BW Deadlift 145#
Push ups
1/2 BW cleans 2x35#dbs

this took me 41:36 so I'm going to go to BX Poway to attempt with a bit lighter weights.

Monday - CrossPit

Crosspit workout was

2 50m spartan races (team race, each team member did 5 spartans each until the 50m was completed.)
and the losing team had to do a combined total of 50 burpees.

I did 16 burpees to contribute to my teams total.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Saturday - "Brendan" hehe. 22:58

I like to call this one "Brendan"....just a little inside joke.

10 rounds
10 deadlifts @95#
15 push ups


5 rounds in 9:33
8 rounds in 17:23 (hmmm methinks I might have lost a round there)
9 rounds in 21:13

I think I kept a good pace. Tried to do all of hte deadlifts unbroken but had to regrip on about 3 sets.

Friday - Kenpo

Kenpo counts as a workout...!!

When you are agressive and work more than you rest.

We did kicks and kick block drills.

I had to go up with the line of white belts to do our basic moves. Need more practice.

eeeek. Performance anxiety.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Wednesday - Helen 13:30

Was not all in for the runs....heh.

3 rounds
run 400m
21 kb swings
12 pull ups


Last time was 13:42...needed to run much faster. I did the kb swings and pull ups unbroken.

Monday...CrossPit - Sprawl/Kick ladder workout

Warm up: Run 5 laps (1000M), first person in does 0 burpees, second person in does 5 burpees, third person in does 10 burpees, fourth person in does 15 burpees. As you finish your burpees stretch on your own.

I was 4th, so I had to do 15 burpees.

Skill: With a partner and focus mitts 1) Three advancing left straight punches, shuffle forward explosively, in fighting stance, step off line to left; 2) Right straight as you step off line to right; 3) 4 punches (any combination) in a forward explosive movement.

These were a good workout...moving constantly during the drills.

Skill: Pankration throw - so much fun!

round #(x) on the minute for 15 minutes.
Each minute is one round.
x = Sprawl + R-Round kick + L-Round kick (on heavy bag)

In the first minute do one of x.
In the second minute do two of the third minute do three of x...
Continue until you can no longer complete the required reps or for 15 minutes. If you can't make the number of reps in the minute, start laddering down each minute until the 15 minutes expires.

I got through the 10th round, got 10 on the 11th round, and laddered down 10,9,8,7 for the remaining minutes. That's 99 iterations!

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Wednesday -push ups/cleans

Pushy Liz

75# cleans (power clean from floor)
push ups


looking up previous.
Edit: Previous with 65# squat cleans...12:06

Monday, September 03, 2007

Saturday - Brand X Team workout

"I tell you guys to take it easy and have fun, it's hot as blazes out there, I set the timer and you all proceed to kill yourselves...I don't get it" - GardDawg, lying through his teeth. He totally gets it.

Saturday Morning at Brand X (102 degrees!)

Team Workout

Rope Climbs
Ring Dips
Stretcher Carry
Tire Flips
Pull-Ups (Head-To-Head)

Each team works each station for 5 minutes with a 200M run between each station.

Team Hot: 277 on the first 4 stations, then 51 pull-up points (5 pull-ups equal one point)
Team B/Logan: 248 for first 4 stations, then 52 points for pullups

Hot, but fun.