Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Monday - CF and CrossPit

9am at Brand X
Buy in
3 rounds
Wheelbarrow walk or hops across mat
Bear Crawl back
Partner goes

3 rounds
20 Jumping Squats (Prisoner Style)
20 Toes to Bar
20 T-Push ups
20 Rope Pull ups

Cash out
Handstand Hold for Time

We did this at 6pm as well. Karen and I did the buy in which hurt.

Then I got through 2 rounds of the workout in 22:26 because as Jeff put it I “refused to be done.”

What does CF stand for again? (Jeff looking around..."This is a Cluster f*.")


Warmup 2 laps and shaddow boxing:

Skills: slipping the right punch. Add in a liver shot, then add in a liver shot and a left hook.

Bag drill: Rush bag and throw at 4-6 strikes of your choice. One person at a time, 4 times through the line.

Workout: AMRAP 10 minutes

Jog 50m, Sprint Back 50M
5 sprawls
5 sprawls
30 punches on bag(flurry)

I got 3 rounds, a sprint and the sprawls and KTE of fourth round. Horrible.

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