Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Saturday - Thrusters, Rope climbs, Runs.

I did the following version of the Brand X WOD:

50 thrusters 35#
3 rope climbs, 10 Pull Ups
30 thrusters 35#
1 rope climb (this is where I said “I’m done!” because my arms were useless)

then thought, well I can at least do the last “run.”


“oh ok its only 15 thrusters”
15 thrusters 35#

“well I guess I can do the LAST rope climb.”
1 rope climb.

All the rope climbs were to the second tape (15’) so I shorted this workout the equivalent of 3 rope climbs and finished in I think 31:50.

Yep the shouting and encouragements did help me.

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