Saturday, February 28, 2009

Pier 39

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Friday, February 27, 2009

Robert drawing at WonderCon booth.

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In San Francisco. view from hotel room.

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Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Wednesday - Elizabeth 16:51

6pm at Brand X
Buy in
50ft. Bear crawl
8 push ups
50ft. Bear crawl
8 T- push ups

“ Elizabeth”
Power Cleans #95
Ring Dips

Ring dips are the bottleneck. Finished the first set of cleans (21) in 3:40

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Monday (2/23/09)

6pm class:

Buy in:
Front Squats

4 rounds
200m run
25 sit ups
10 Toes to Bar

somewhere around 12 minutes. Not timed.

Warmup: run 200m 10 pushups 1 hip escape across mat (should have been 2 rounds)
Bag Drill: a few rounds of 2 minutes working on combinations on heavy bag and 1 2 minute round of high round kicks with Lucky Dawg.
Skill: Escape from side control, Escape from full mount
Workout: 3 rounds 200m (sprint long sides, jog short sides). hypoxic kb swing (max swings with one breath), 10 bastards. 9:38

AileenerNeener once again rescued me from being partnerless. Fun!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Death by pull ups - 12 minutes

630am Crossfit @ Brand X

Buy in
3 rounds
5 Push ups
10 Toes to Bar
15 squats
1 L-sit

With a continuously running clock do one pull-up the first minute, two pull-ups the second minute, three pull-ups the third minute… continuing as long as you are able.

Use as many sets each minute as needed.

Cash out
2 x
5 Forward rolls
10 Handstand attempts

Monday, February 16, 2009

Barbell Certification with Coach Rippetoe

2 days of learning not only how to coach the 5 lifts described in "Starting Strength, Basic Barbell Training", but how to execute the lifts more effectively, based on an understanding of bone and muscle anatomy, motor recruitment and kinetic chains.

Day 1,

Morning: Lecture on anatomical terminology related to bone, muscle and tendon relationships. Shoulder muscle and bone anatomy, spinal position, arm angles, leverage and moment arms.

Lecture on the back squat. Testing for awareness of lower back muscles. Foot position, bar positions, pressing knees out, sending butt back before bending the knees, going below parallel, coming out of the bottom by letting your hips rise first before you open the hip.

Practical instruction on the back squat.
Coaching eachother in groups of 5 for 4 warmups sets and 3 worksets of 5 back squats. 2 with empty bar, 2 with intermediate weight and 3 work sets with the same weight. Last workset of each attendee watched and critiqued by the whole group and Rip.

Early Afternoon: Lecture on the press (standing, shoulder press) Why do we call it the press and not the shoulder press?..because the only other press is the leg press and thats just stupid. Foot position, Rack position, Straight Bar path, full extention and lockout.

Practical instruction on the press.
Coaching eachother in groups of 5 for 4 warmups sets and 3 worksets of 5 presses. 2 with empty bar, 2 with intermediate weight and 3 work sets with the same weight. Last workset of each attendee watched and critiqued by the whole group and Rip.

After lunch: Lecture on the bench press. Value of the bench press for general strength. Position on bench, feet on floor, hip tilted, back arch by hips being pressed into bench , hand position, Straight Bar path and focus point on ceiling (Look the bar up), full extention and lockout. Spotting and safety.

Practical instruction on the bench press.
Coaching eachother in groups of 5 for 4 warmups sets and 3 worksets of 5 bench resses. 2 with empty bar, 2 with intermediate weight and 3 work sets with the same weight. Last workset of each attendee watched and critiqued by the whole group and Rip.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Press instruction.

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Teaching how to do a hip tilt and feel your lower back muscles.

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Which eventuality do you prepare

Which eventuality do you prepare for? The one that never fucking happens or the one that happens every day?

Are there any vegeterians in the room?

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Gunner and Skipper

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Friday, February 13, 2009

Firday - Fran 65# 6:25

In 6pm at BrandX




So this is NOT my best time (6:22 is, with no one on one coaching and no rack for the bar), But:

All the thrusters were unbroken, ie the bar stayed racked if I needed a break. Jeff wasn't "yelling" at me the entire time or taking the bar out of my hands at the top of the thruster because he was afraid I'd drop it. He did come by a couple times to tell me I could too do it. LOL. The pull ups killed my time. I had to break them up because I'm out of practice, though I did do better at them than anticipated. I was afraid I'd be breaking them at 4 and 5 but I managed several sets of 7,8 and at least one set of 10 and I did the last set unbroken even though I was not happy with the ROM, because my weakness is quitting while I still have some reps in me.

Workout @ Home Med Ball cleans and HSPU


Med Ball cleans 17.5 lbs (sand filled b-ball)
HSPU piked


so with the 45 HSPU progressions here and 30 at work, I only have 11 left to do before I go to bed.

Wednesday Deadlift 3x3

175, 195, 210 (PR by 10#) , 220 (pr by 20#)

I just did this on the spur of the moment thinking about doing the games workout of 5x185 and 10 burpees for 5 rounds. I will be ok on that workout I think.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Monday Mayhem

600pm Crossfit @ Brand X

Buy In
Max Jump over ( tombstone pad, no vert jump) burpees in 2 minutes (12)

Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
5 Handstand Push-ups (piked on two stacked tires)
10 One legged squats, alternating (Squat on 20" box with one leg touching floor to start.
15 Pull-ups

I got 6 rounds plus 5 piked HSPU.

Cash Out
Max Tuck Jumps in 2 minutes (skipped so I could warm up w/ CrossPit class)

CrossPit workout was Tabata but Jason had us move to the next of 4 stations after each 20 seconds of work.

16 intervals of Tabata
Sledge hammer strikes
Heavy bag punches
Forward Rolls

Fun and Horrible. Wheeee!

then a grappling drill as cashout sorta. ;)

Friday - 6pm

Modified 6pm workout due to time constraints:

Buy in:
50 jumpropes
50’ bear crawl

50 thrusters 35# (3:05)
50 OHS 35#
(GD stepped in here at about 11 minutes because time was running out before kenpo and i was SLOOOOOOW at OHS)
25 thrusteres
25 HPSnatchs
25 Thrusters.


No cash out. Dressed for kenpo.

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Tuesday, Private workout with Jeff. PR 125# clean

Bragging Bragging Bragging.
Jeff said I had to!

LauraR - 03 February 2009 10:45 AM
hmmm lets see I think I did an entire workout of PR’s. Well maybe not. I’m posting all of it here even though I’m not sure which are PR’s until I got to the 95’s. And because I did it under metabolic distress, I’m claiming all of it.

Running and Power clean workout in Private with Jeff

5 rounds of Power cleans, with a 200m between sets, go up in weight each round.

(Run) 15@65
(Run) 12@75
(run) 9@95 (was it unbroken? I forget, it might have been 7 then singles for 9.)
(Run) 6@115 (2 sets of three)
(Run) 1@125, 2@120 (A bunch of failed at 125. Jeff totally coached me to get that PR. )

The 125# power clean is a one rep PR, previous max was 120.
I squat cleaned the 120’s. At least the first one and possibly the second one. Those are PR’s for Squat Cleans.

TOTALLY STOKED. Thanks again, Coach.

Monday, February 02, 2009

Monday Mayhem

OK get this:

3pm-3:30 41 HSPU progressions (7,7,7,10,10)

2 rounds: 200m run, 5 HSPU progressions, 10 squats (didn’t get to last 10 squats)
27 squat muscleups (around 18 minutes)
2x jog to end of second building, sprint back, max push ups (14,12)

run 200m and shadow boxing (cheated on warmup…lol)
Sweep from butterfly work, escape from mount to butterfly then sweep.
Bas Rutten boxing tape (2 rounds striking, 2 holding pads)
Hook practice.
3 rounds: sprint 220m, 10 KB swings, 10 one arm slam ball,10 KB swings, 10 one arm slam ball (only got 5 slamb ball in last round)
One minute of escaping the mount, one minute of defending the mount position.

I still have 15 HSPU progressions left to do.

Boy have I missed my monday mayhem.