Friday, February 13, 2009

Firday - Fran 65# 6:25

In 6pm at BrandX




So this is NOT my best time (6:22 is, with no one on one coaching and no rack for the bar), But:

All the thrusters were unbroken, ie the bar stayed racked if I needed a break. Jeff wasn't "yelling" at me the entire time or taking the bar out of my hands at the top of the thruster because he was afraid I'd drop it. He did come by a couple times to tell me I could too do it. LOL. The pull ups killed my time. I had to break them up because I'm out of practice, though I did do better at them than anticipated. I was afraid I'd be breaking them at 4 and 5 but I managed several sets of 7,8 and at least one set of 10 and I did the last set unbroken even though I was not happy with the ROM, because my weakness is quitting while I still have some reps in me.

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