Sunday, September 11, 2011

Friday, September 9th, 2011

At Brand X

run 200m
2 snatches (ground to oh, any catch depth)

increase weight 5# each round til failure.

if you complete 5 rounds, cashout with 50 TTB
if you complete <5 rounds, cashout with 100 burpees.

I failed in the 5th round at 85#.
100 burpees. <15 mintutes but not timed.

Thrusday, September 8th, 2011

Row 5k

Power outage through southern california, some of
Arizona and Mexico, about halfway through. Good thing the rower is self powered and display is battery powered.

Wednesday, September 7th, 2011

Brand X

Amrap in 6 minutes
1 Hill Sprint
10 Wall Ball
15 Burpess

rest 3 minutes

Repeat twice, picking up where you left off. Accumulate rounds.

3 rounds, 1 hill sprint, 10 wall ball
finished 4th round of burpees after clock stopped.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Monday, August 30th, 2011

Back at Brand X again:

Max clean in 10 (?) minutes. Got an really ugly squat clean at 105. Not a PR.


AMRAP 6 Minutes:

3 Snatch Grip Deadlifts
6 Hang power snatch
Run 100M

Rest 3 minutes

Repeat two more times. Accumulated Rounds done: 7 even. Used 55#.

Didn't get to cash out.

I'm so sore today.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Thursday - Work gym

Row 1000M (4:18)
50 KB swings
30 hand release push ups


Wednesday - Brand X

6 rounds of 3 minutes each

Run 400M
Use the remaining time to do max reps of 65# thrusters.

My total thrusters in 6 was 18 but I was only supposed to do 5 rounds so officially only 16 reps. I run slow.

CF Wod #3

AM reps and rounds as possible in 5 minutes of

110# squat clean
110# jerk (you can re clean the bar for the jerk if you fail it)

I got 3 rounds + one squat clean. Need to be stronger on this.

Then did

100 Pull ups
100 Burpees

(partition as needed)

did rounds of 10 each til 70 each were completed then did burpees til failure before going to pull ups and vice versa... 30:23

Saturday April 9th


AMRAP in 15

9 deadlifts (100#)
12 Pushups (hand release)
15 box jumps (20")

5 rounds, 9 dl and 7 push ups.

VERY happy with that.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Saturday - Brand X Open WOD #1

Did the CrossFit Games Open WOD#1

AMRAP in 10 Minutes
30 Double Unders
15 Ground to Anyway OH 75#/55#

I used power snatches and 55#.

Only got 2 rounds and 22 double unders.

It was the double unders that killed me and I was surprised the snatches were not as hard as I thought they’d be. Thanks, Unforgibbon for coaching and judging my ROM and counting reps.

Friday, Brand X Running Plus stuff

Run 800m
25 squats
Run 600m
25 push ups
Run 400m
25 Pull ups


Thursday, ROW/Double Unders/Burpees

Row 500m
150 double unders
50 burpees


Slower than my PR by 1:13 Out of practice on Double Unders.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Monday, Randy, sclaed.

At home, Scaled Randy to 45#, coompleted 75 Power Snatches in 7:28, and did another 10 for a totoal of 85 in 8:36.

Friday, Brand X - Death by 10m

A Brand X tortrue production: Every minute on the minute perform 1 10m run in the first minute, 2 in the second minte, 3 in the third minute and so on, until you can no longer complete the number of sprints within the minute.

Post number of minutes completed.

I got through 12 and did 8x10m in the 13th minute.


Tuesday 3/5/11 - Row 150m x 10 rest 1:30

10 rounds for time
Row 150m
Rest 90 seconds

My times varied beytween 31.5 and 28 seconds. I failed to save my record. :/

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Monday, March 07, 2011

Monday, Brand X 0800 - Run 800m, 50 Sit-ups x3

Buy in: 2x - 25 jumping jacks, Plank Walk across mat, 10 perfect squats

3 rounds for time
run 800m (BX figure 8)
50 Abmat situps

23:30, last 400m in rain.

Cash out (skipped it) 5 max handstand holds or 5:00 goal work. Had to run to work.

Friday, March 04, 2011

Friday @Brand X - 5K run

Run 5k

3x 1 mile loop around Brand X block. Reversed route so uphills were at the first and third quarter mile. Rough.


Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Did the 110226 WOD in my office gym:

21-15-9 rounds of

Sumo Deadlift High Pull 95# (65# women)
Overhead Squat 95# (65#)

This was way too heavy to do after not being consistent with my oly lifts for a long time.

Still 14:11 kicked my ass.

Also good to see some of the guys in the gym doing front squats outside the smith machine and and stuff other than bench presses with barbells. A guy came out to ask me how the lifting felt on the spongy outdoor class mat.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Wednesday, Row 5K

Rowed 5K at work.

Felt awful. 22:47

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Monday, Deadlifts and Burpees

Worked out at home:

Scaled version of a workout from the 2008 CrossFit Games

5 rounds:

5 Dead Lifts, 145#
10 burpees


A year ago I did this with 155# and it took a minute longer. I am working on getting my deadlift back to where it was a year ago.

[BW 153 stoopid birthday cakes and such.]

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Tuesday, DL and Diane

Buy In: Deadlifts x7

135, 145, 155

Deadlift 155#
Bridged HSPU


Monday CrossFit Brand X 6:00pm

Buy In: Run 1200m

12 Min AMRep

5 heavy thrusters (#85)
Burpees while partner completes Thrusters.

Score by total burpees completed.
My score 51
My partner Michelle totally rocked her heavy thrusters.

Cash Out: Run 1200m

Monday, February 07, 2011

Friday Kb Swings, Pull ups, Running - Not helen!

Friday Class At Brand X

35 kb swings
18 pull ups
400m run

25 kb swings
12 pull ups
400m run

15 kb swings
9 pull ups (supposed to do 6 doh!)
400m run


Saturday, January 29, 2011

Saturday, Brand X AM workout: Run, Hill Sprints & Burpees

CrossFit Brand X Saturday

Buy in : Bear Crawl + Cartwheels + 5 squats 3x


800m run
3 rounds
1 hill sprint
10 burpees

600m run
2 rounds
1 hill sprint
10 burpees

400m run
1 round
1 hill sprint
30 burpees


I did good! Sally did awesome!

Cash out

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Tuesday - row 1000m x 3 rest 2:00 between

4:15.9 -- PR

Modified from run 800x3 012410 WOD

Monday Brand X - Deadlifts. Squat Cleans and Ring Dips


135 x5
165 x5
175 x5

Squat cleans
Ring dips (for the 9 and 6 rounds, subbed bar dips)

rest 5 minutes

(subbed bar dips and push ups)

Total time 23:15


1000 - 1300 Greg Amundson Positive Self Talk and Goal setting Seminar.

1330 - Team workout

Amrap in 20

150 Hang power cleans (95/65/45)
25 rope climbs
200m as a team.

two people working at a time. Run at the same time. Team with most rounds complete wins.

Team Alison beat us by a smidge. Basically 2 rounds per team in 20.
I didn't climb the rope until skill work. I counted for my team instead I kicked butt on the HPC.

Friday (Brand X) - Half Angie 11:38

Half Angie at Brand X 6pm class

50 pull ups (yes! 50 in 4:43)
50 push ups (too slow)
50 sit ups
50 squats


PR by 3:23

Next time I will use the "metcon" push ups and break 10. Then I will attempt full angie in under 20. muahahahaha


Thursday, January 20, 2011

Thursday @Brand X 0800 - Hill Sprints and Front Squats

Back Squat:



3 rounds
1 hill sprint
7 Front squats 95 (supposed to be BW but you have to clean it)

Started with 100# but failed the first clean so I stripped 5# off. Completed 3 unbroken sets with 95#.

Cashout: detoured to work on my 100# clean with Unforgibbon coaching.

Tuesday - Row 5k 22:50

Rowed 5K at the office gym.

It felt awful and my time was not great. Off my game due to lack of working out over time.


(PB is 22:01)

Monday - Brand X @0900

Deadlift: 5x175


95# x30 Clean and AWOH.
Did Push and Split Jerks.

No time recorded, due to bar malfunction issues. ;)

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Friday, Interrupted Cindy - 9 rounds + 5 pull ups

Crossfit @ Brand X

Buy in - 4:00 min. 50m shuttle run > side shuffle > high knee skipping > back pedal

3 x 5:00 min. “Cindy”
with a 2:00 min. rest in between

I did total of 9 rounds + 5 pull ups. I am SOOOO happy I can do pull ups again. But I did get a tear on one hand.

Cash out - Stretching & HSPU skill work—errr… I don’t want to talk about it.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Thursday, January 14th - Deadlifts

Deadlifted on my lunch break.


Failed 205.

I need to get back in Brand X for deadlifting days.

Then I did AIR Fran
Push ups

Monday, January 10, 2011

Monday, January 10th - BEAR amrap 12

Made it to Brand X at 0800, and the class was doing MAD MAX from Saturday, so I did the alternate workout.

AMRAP in 12 minutes
Bear Complex 65#

I got through 29 reps. Slower than what I did 30 in on Wednesay last week. ugh.

Saturday, January 08, 2011

Saturday, Brand X AM workout

Ok, first day back after probably 2 months…maybe more.

First of all… I got my pullups back! Whoop! Second of all, my deadlift is crap. Well, the weight is. I guess my form is ok, cuz no one yelled at me.

Brand X Saturday AM workout

Warm up: Deadlifts (10x 95, 5x145)

10 min to find your 1RM - I ended up with 195… failed 205#.
Run a mile: 9:37
Rest 5:00
Max pull ups in 2 minutes - 35
(did 12 and 7. These are the first sets of kipping pull ups in MONTHS,
since my shoulder started hurting. It’s 99 percent better. Can still fell a tiny ache at the front of my shoulder joint but didn’t stop me. )
Rest 2:00
Max push ups in 2:00 - 24
Rest 2:00
Max sit ups in 2:00 - 48
rest 2:00
Max squats in 2:00 - 68

and then I cried.

Next episode of the Return of the Hobbit, Monday at 0800.

Monday, January 03, 2011

Monday, January 3rd - Bear Complex

New year...start and workouts.

Breakfast Cherries and two boiled eggs.

Workout 30 bear complexes. did lap times after 10 reps - 3:16, 4:08, 4:58 (broke that into 4/6)

Total Time: 11:23