Saturday, November 04, 2006

PainStorm XIX - An Aerobic Hell or Anaerobic Hell

In 40 minutes how many rounds can you complete of the following:

5 Deadlifts
5 Hang Power Cleans
5 Front squats
5 Push Press
5 Back Squats

I had discussed with Jeff lowering my weights to work on my times and my intensity. It was an act of pure humility to pick up a 25# bar for painstorm.

Since the point was to get more rounds, then I decided I wanted to get at least 20 rounds. I figured if I did 5 rounds before putting the bar down that would force me not to rest, then I could use the first 5 rounds to guage if I would be have to adjust and go faster.

Five rounds in the first 7 minutes. Then I rested 30 seconds and did another 5 rounds by 15 minutes. I had to get water then and I think i broke at 2 rounds then finished out the 15th round at about 25 minutes. I don't remember how many times I put the bar down in that time but at 35 minutes I finished the 20th round. I pushed out the last 3 rounds in 5 minutes.

I did have one problem, on a couple of rounds I did more than the prescribed reps - got carried away and also in between the different exercises I would forget to go right into the other so had to do extra push presses to get to back squat.

25x23 = 25 x20 + 25x3 = 575 reps in 40 minutes.

2400 seconds / 575 reps = = 4.2 seconds per rep.

Mike Hom got 30 rounds

750 reps in 2400 seconds. That is three seconds per rep.

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