Sunday, August 26, 2007

Back in Black: Sunday Shoulder Presses/Push ups, Slamball, Deadlifts

ok....had a nice three day rest in which
A) I worked some overtime - ok, a lot of overtime
B) I went to see the dead sea scrolls - Lord that's a lot of standing around on your feet.
C) I watched Randy Couture slam his head into Gonzaga's face to make him give up the Heavy Weight Title belt.

Shoulder Press

I knew I could do that! It was difficult though.

Then my own devising of torture to include light deads:

115# deadlifts
Push ups
17# slamball


Deads and pushups broken 8-7-6, 8-7, 9
Slam ball should have done unbroken on 21 but split at 15. Rd 2 and 3 unbroken

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