Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Tuesday - CF One World Ass Whoopin

CF One World's Ass Whoopin

5 rounds
7 pull ups
7 thrusters 75#
7 burpees


pull ups unbroken
thrusters broken (kicking myself) in round 4 and 5
Burpees...ummm...a three breath break in round 4 and 5


Craig Massey said...

My apologies for not appropriately recognising the awesomeness of your achievement in this Laura.
I prostrate myself before your magnificence.

No I'm not going to try it, that would just be humiliating.

Craig Massey said...

More humiliating.

Unknown said...


ummm I didn't say you didn't recognize it. I said *I* didn't recognize it until I compared with
a previous workout. LOL.