are my results for the Crossfit Games Workout:
Round 1: 09:00 am
65lb thrusters, chest to bar pullups
DNF 12:01- didn’t even finish first round. I couldn’t get my chest to the bar after the 8th counted rep. I pulled higher than ever but couldn’t get my chest in close enough. I’ll be working that...oh yeah.
Round 2: 1:00 pm
5 rounds for time
deadlift 185lb
10 burpees, chest and thighs to deck, full extension and clap overhead.
DNF 12:00- completed 4 full rounds of this and really happy about that. Never lifted that heavy of a deadlift for so many reps.
Round 3: 5:00 pm
750 meter trail run.
7:17 this is ok. I know I’m slow. And by the time 5pm rolled around I wasn’t even concerned about what my time might be. No chance of not completing it in 20 though. Estimated completion of 08:00 and so that is better than I hoped.
Total official time: 31:18
I'll try to write up something a bit more colorful tomorrow.
Thanks for the update, Laura. You were there, and pushing hard, so the DNFs are honorable. When are next year's games-- have they been scheduled yet?
I wish we were working out together.
I really miss you Patrick! It would have been awesome to have you out there for Brand X.
I don't think they have set the date for next year. I'm going though. I have to!
Good job at the games! Way to represent Brand X!
Thank you...I'm finding it difficult to answer the question "How did you do?"
answer: Not as well as I'd hoped but the competition was very tough and I plan to do better next time. My trainers were all very proud."
how's that?
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