Thursday, May 08, 2008

6:30pm CF class at Brand X - Pull up palooza

Pullup Ladder
Option A:
One pullup first minute, two pullups the second minute, three pullups the third, four pullups the fourth, until failure.

Option B: Choose a challenging number of pullups (5-12 depending on ability) and do that number within each minute for 20 minutes. You may partition.

I did option B. I chose the number 8 (GD raises eyebrows). I got through 7 rounds. Did 7 on the 8th minute. There were some ripped calluses and blood so Jeff had me move to the angled bar and ok'd me to drop my sets to 5.

spent a minute or possibly two conning Dan D. to give up his spot... sorry!...on the angled bar, and getting a box to climb on.

Did 6, then 5 then spent a minute having GD tape me because of more tears (not crying!) and blood, then I maybe did another round with 5.

Went back to seven since I had lots of time to rest after a set of 5. not really sure how many rounds or total reps but I think it was at least 120 if write off 3 minutes to drama. If I had done sets of 5 it would only have been 100 in 20 minutes.


Craig Massey said...

Your poor hands!

JAK said...

Youch! I feel your pain! My hands are just now healed enough to do Fran, from when I ripped off calluses on 4-28-08 during Angie. Hopefully your healing will come quicker.

Get Some!