Monday, May 05, 2008

Double Jax. For Jeremy Jones' future CF monster.
5 Rounds
Push-ups (as many in 1:00) Subbed for ring push ups
Cleans 95#(as many in 1:00) Subbed for 135# cleans
Box Jumps (as many in 1:00) 20" box shared with Jerrod so not so great on reps.
Rest (1:00)


31, 30, 29, 27, 31

That was rough. Even with no weight vest.

Then in CrossPit we did a variation

1 minute hard fast punches on the heavy bag
1 minute takedown attempts/take down defense with partner
1 minute squats
1 minute rest

Not scored. Averaged about 150 punches and about 25-30 squats per round though.

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