Saturday, January 17, 2009

Saturday @ Brand X.

I don’t see Saturday’s BX class workout posted. It was “fun.“ Or “Dastardly…“

Buy in:

5:00 of
Run 200m
3 tire flips
6 lunges
9 situps


3 way Cindy….AMRAP (as many reps as possible!) in 20 minutes.

Teams of three doing Cindy exercises. One at each station - Pull ups, Push ups, Suats.
Perform the exercise until Switch is called. Move to the next exercise per Cindy protocol and keep a running total of each exercise for your team and record them at the end of 20 Minutes.

Team Short: Laurar, BDN, Courtney

Pull ups: 200
Push Ups: 189
Squats: 421

Cash out: Hoover Ball.

Did 27 of my 34 required HSPU, feet on the GHD machine. Thanks for the form check, Essie.

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