Thursday, January 15, 2009

Wednesday - Nate (modified)

6pm Crossfit @ Brand X

Buy in
200 M
5 Forward rolls
10 squats
5 Cartwheels
10 squats

AMRAP in 20 minutes
2 muscle ups
8 KB swings 32kg/24kg

I did seated muscle ups but my shoulders are so trashed from HSPU challenge I had to use a foot on the floor to assist on some of the dips.
HSPU with feet on a box/tire for about half the rounds then I went to knees on box so I could be more vertical and still get correct ROM.

Used the 24kg (53#) kettlebell. Did about half the rounds with unbroken swings.

Erik kept me motivated through the last 5 minutes. I got my ninth round with 15 seconds to spare and a set of unbroken KB swings.

Cash out
Handstand walks or wheelbarrow walks

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