Sunday, October 08, 2006

Summary Sept 30 - Oct 6

Saturday: Fight Gone Bad 234 (55#)
Sunday: Off
Monday: Crosspit - 3 rounds 1 hillsprint, 21 db thrusters (20#), 70 punches. + 1 hill sprint & 16 db thrusters. 20 minutes.
Tuesday: Random (Push Press, SDLHP, Push ups, Squats)
Wednesday: Private row 400m 21-15-9 Push ups on dumbbells, abmat situps, assosted lsit and sittuck holds row 400m
Thursday: off
Friday: 2 rounds - run 400m, 35 situps, 20 Good mornings 10 toes to bar, 5/5 windshield wipers/hollow rocks. 400m + 25 minutes

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