Saturday, September 30, 2006

Fight Gone Bad Results

First, thanks to all my donors, who donated 276.02 (erm Johnny Bravo...cute donation!)
The fundraiser in total gathered 94 thousand dollars for Prostate Cancer Research. The funds will be matched by an corporation (name escapes me at the moment.)

Fight Gone Bad (Class C - Ladies STD weight)
55# Push Press
14# Wall ball
20" box Step ups


I was going to do a pack workout which in this case would have been group C with the men's weight? I told Jeff, I'll do pack. He says Good. I say but that (55#) is the big dawg weight for women! He looks at it and looks back and smiles. You're right. Good. You can do it.

First rule of fight gone bad: DO NOT stop until the rest period or you will regret it when the counting is done.
Second Rule of fight gone bad:You can throw up when you're done.
Third Rule of Fight Gone Bad: If your coach says you can do one more rep...DO IT!
Fourth Rule of FGB: If you are not fetal between rounds and at the end, you didn't work hard enough.

Apparently, this always happens: your mouth goes dry. Between round 2 and round three, Karen gave me a drink of her water. As soon as I took the drink, I knew it was a mistake. It came right back out - while I gagged on it. I was so messed up I could not swallow. After that I was constantly on the verge of throwing up. "You can throw up when you're done, Laura!" That's what Karen said to get me back on the rower for round 3.


9/30 Rows 17-10-14 +16
5/26 Rows 10- 7- 8

9/30 Push Press 20-12-11 -33 (55#)
5/26 Push Press 30-26-20 (45#)

9/30 Box Jumps 20-20-18 + 6
5/26 Box Jumps 18-19-16

9/30 Wall Ball 17-18-15 + 5
5/26 Wall Ball 15-15-15

9/30 SDlHP 15-12-15 - 3 (55#)
5/26 SDlHP 17-15-13 (45#)

Net difference -10 points.

Friday, September 29, 2006

Fight Gone Bad Fundraiser - Tomorrow!

If you have not contributed to one of the other Fight Gone Bad participants, here is my link. Please contribute to this great cause!

Laura Rucker's Donation Page - Fight Gone Bad

Last time I did FGB - in APRIL

PP: 30-26-20 45#?
Row: 10-7-8
WB: 15-15-15 14#
SDHP: 17-15-13
Box Jump: 18-19-16 (Step up / step down, 20" box)


Me: so what should I try for this time?

Mike and Jason - in unison: 300!


Wednesday, September 27, 2006

And now for a word from our sponsor's what's for breakfast!

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Skill Day

Worked on my CF North standards

These are Soooooo close to Level II.
Row 2k 8:52 (2008m) - Need 2 seconds
500m Split 2:13
first 500m 2:04 - Need 4 seconds
Balls to the Wall - should have seen the looks I got. I think I was making gutteral noises on the arm pull.
Handstand hold 58 seconds - Need 2 more seconds.

Level I
Sitting Knees to chest (start flat on mat) 30
KB swings 25# db: 30
Bar Dips: 3 to almost parallel. Need more work on these. Several singles down as far as I could go for practice.

Monday, September 25, 2006

CrossPit Workout - 9/25/06

Posted: September 25, 2006, 8:16 pm Post subject:

CrossPit workout
3 rounds
15 push ups
60 hard fast straight punches to heavy bag
35 sit ups
35 round kicks to heavy bag - hard and fast
60 squats
15 knees to heavy bag- hard and fast

17:43 puketastic

That was horrible. The squats were the rest. That's how horrible this was. On round one, Jason said I was not going fast enough on the Knees - there were only 15 of them! So on round two I did them REALLY fast. Almost puked.

Also the Muay Thai round kick block (shin to elbow) is the COOOOOLEST looking block EVER.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Brand X Kilt day

Jason found a big ass rock and said, "I'm gonna toss this rock". That's how the official Brand X Kilt day and Throwing heavy stuff event ended. Jeff: "There isn't even alcohol involved!"
Russ, Mike, Ricky

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Summary 9/16-9/22

Saturday - Painstorm XVII
Sunday - off
Monday - CrossPit 1 minute round kicks on bag/1 min 5 sprawls, 10 hip escapes/ 15 squats
Tuesday - WOD - 50 Clean & Press 65#
Wednesday - off
Thursday - Krav Maga 60 minutes
Friday - Trianna - 38:00 flat (3 rounds 30 35# kb swings/30 push jerk 55#/30 deadlifts 125#)

My Pet Rock - partner Workout

About 40:00 for me and Marla - with 2 12kg pet rocks

Marla (Andrea) - Big Dawgs
2 rounds
40 Push ups
30 pull ups
20 power cleans 65
13 HsPU
3 rope climps
200m walk w/1 - 12kg K-bell

Laura - 2 rounds
30 Push ups
20 pull ups
20 power cleans 45#
13 HSPU (I did 4 HSPU and the rest Shoulder presses in round 2)
1 rope climb 200m walk w/ 1 - 12kg K-bell

Trianna - 38:00 flat!

Thursday: Krav maga - 60 minutes

Friday: Trianna (From CF San Diego - via Mike H.)
3 rounds

30 db swings 35# (55# rxd)
30 push jerk 55# (85# rxd)
30 deadlifts 125# (225# rxd)

38:00 (10:32, 13:31,13:51)

No Way! db swings started out with sets of 10...round two I had to break smaller...round three I went back to sets of 10 out of spite for the damned thing.

Push presses same as KB swings. In round three, I channeled gimpy: "Don't effing quit on me, Laura!!!" Sets of 10, 10, 8, 2 deadlifts sets of 5 except round 2. Repeat mental exercise for deadlifts in round three.

wow. that was crazy. Hats off to Tess at CFSD - 27:00. WOW. when I looked at the round two split time, I kicked myself in the rear to finish in under 40 by Purposely NOT breaking when I wanted to and only broke when I HAD to.

PS I am a moron. I see bylooking at Wednesday's posts, I was going to use 115# for the deads. DOH.

Have you ever flipped a bird to your kettle bell when you finished your last set of 10? I didn't think so.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Summary 9/9-9/15
Saturday: Painstorm XVII
Sunday: off
Monday: CrossPit
Tuesday: 50 Clean & Push Press 13:17
Wednesday: off
Thursday: Krav
Friday: Connors Class

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Monday WOD - 50 Clean & Press

Monday: CrossPit
1 minute: Round Kicks on heavy bag
1 minute: 5 sprawls, 10 hip escapes, 15 squats
(no idea how many rounds. Maybe 6 maybe's all a blur.

Wednesday: Monday's WOD
50 reps - 65# Power Cleans & Push Press

13:17 - Happy with the time.

Next time, will attempt full clean + jerk. Or at least a pwr cln and Push jerk.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Painstorm XVII

Painstorm XVII (Brand X will be doing this Sat. Sept. 16th)

30 minutes of the following complex:
Hang Power Snatch (bring the bar down behind your neck)
Walking Lunge
Walking Lunge
Heaving Snatch Balance
Walking Overhead Lunge
Walking Overhead Lunge = 1

Report the following:
1. Distance covered in 30 minutes ~240 M

2. Reps completed in 30 minutes 65
3. Number of times you put the bar down (record 1 everytime you hold the bar at the waist and 2 for evertime the bar hits the ground) 6

Rest 5 minutes then complete and record the following:
Single Max effort pull ups 12
Single Max effort push ups 14
Single 1 minute max effort push press with 45# 21

30 seconds rest between efforts
Pull ups are scored from full extension to chin above bar.
Push ups are scored from body touching ground to full extension.
You may rest in a plank position at the top of the movement any break in the plank and your done, any resting on the ground and your done.
Push press must be to full lock out and shoulders activated, bar overhead.

Summary 9/9-9/15

Saturday: 3 rounds - hill sprint, 10 monkey hangs, 30 KB swings, 50 squats - 34 minutes
Sunday: off
Monday: CrossPit - 4 rounds - Partner pullups, Hard Fast Punches, Takedown/TD defense, Clinch, Attack/Disrupt 1 minute each item, rest one minute, switch between rounds. 24:00
Tuesday: off
Wednesday: Fran (45#) 7:39
Thursday: off
Friday: Sprinty Helen (Hill Sprints for running) 12:36

Connor's 6pm Class - Sprinty Helen

Sprinty Helen
3 rounds
1 hill sprint
21 KB swings
12 pull ups


Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Fran 45# 7:39

"Have you met my girlfriend Fran?"
6:00pM Class

Fran 21-15-9 Thrusters Pull ups

Big Dawgs: 95#/65#
Pack: 65#/45#
Puppies 45#/25#, Jumping Pull ups
Buttercups: 25#/10# Jumping Pull ups (Not sure on weight)

Here's the catch: 10 minute time limit. Jason told us to Use a weight we thought we could do in 5 minutes.
I've never gotten under 8 minutes with ANY weight, so I chose 45#.

It was a partner workout. The first partner had 10 minutes to complete their workout while the other counted/nitpicked and encouraged them. Then when 10 minutes is up the other partner did their workout.

I used 45# and got 7:39 - almost 2 minutes faster than my best time with 45#
Arlene used 25# and kicked A** : 7:34

Arlene - great coaching. "All the way up! That one doesn't count! 5 more!"
Jason -"Come on, Laura, get going! This workout has no resting in it. Go for a PR!" At around 6:00 I still had 9 pull ups "Come on, finish it up by 6:30!" seconds to put on chalk, could't make my self start and I had to break them up - so it ended up taking a full minute to do them.

Still having a problem pushing away from the bar.

When seconds count, the pull ups freak me out. All the Thrusters were unbroken. But I was trying to make sure I got all the way up and all the way down so I probably took longer than I needed to. Dammit, at the time I felt like I was going to die, but now I'm thinking "You could have done better!" F%?K.

Sparred a little after with Arlene. We're going to get good at it if it kills us.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

CF North Athletic Skill Standards

Initial assessment...I have not tested all the level one skills, but will do so in the next week.

Yellow not measured or not attempted
Green: Met
Orange: Recent attempt did not meet standard

It's a little humbling to have been at this 2 years and barely meet the level one skills. But just another way to measure progress.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Monday: CrossPit workout

For full class details see crosspit girls blog.

4 rounds of 1 minute each
(alternate partnera a/b doing the action every other round)
Partner Assisted Pullups
Bag Work Hard Fast punches
Takedown/Takedown defense
Bag attack/disrupt
1 minute rest between rounds

Total work 24:00 minutes

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Summary 9/02-9/8

Saturday Helen 16:51
Monday Diane - lite 105# dl/55# SH press 10:38
Tuesday Off
Wednesday Off
Thursday 20 minutes ... 5 DBDL /10 DBCL/15PUPress 7+ Rounds Then Brand X mile ~ 12 minutes. Drat.
Friday 3 rounds : 200M sprint/10 55# push presses/10 pull ups 9:53

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Saturday, Brand X

Brand X
Big dawgs and Pack:
Max deadhang for time
3 rounds
Hill sprint
10 monkey swings/atlas pull ups
30 Kettlebell swings
50 Squats
Finish with
Max deadhang for time

35# kb swings, Monkey hangs w/o Atlas pull ups.
I could not do Monkey Hangs in the third round. I think I did 2 then went on to KB swings.
I should have done the puppy workout on this one.

Dead hang about 1:00 at the beginning. No hang at the the end.

Krav Maga first, then CrossFit, then the Clean seminar. Trifecta!

Friday, September 08, 2006

Bradley - my monkey boy!

I'm so proud of Bradley. He loves all kinds of things.

He likes and is good at computers.
He is a great reader and good at math.
He loves football and baseball - playing and watching.

He also is a little monkey at crossfit. Here he is on climbing the Cargo Net.

CrossFit Kids September 8th

The sport of fitness, the art of getting better.

Connor's 6pm class

3 rounds
200M sprint
10 55# push presses
10 pull ups


This time is not impressive.

Nichole did it with 65# in 6:25
Andrea in 7:53 with 75#

Those ladies rock.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Complete as many rounds as you can in 20 minutes

5 DB deadlifts
10 DB cleans
15 DB push press

I completed 7 rounds with 20#
Plus 5 dead lifts, 10 cleans, 10 push press

Ran a Brand X mile (4 figure eights) - timer didn't work. Something between 11 - 12 minutes. Drat.

6:30pm class @ Brand X

Complete as many rounds as you can in 20 minutes

5 DB deadlifts
10 DB cleans
15 DB push press

I completed 7 rounds with 20#
Plus 5 dead lifts, 10 cleans, 10 push press

Ran a Brand X mile (4 figure eights) - timer didn't work. Something between 11 - 12 minutes. Drat.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006


Worked 13.5 hours.


Zone blocks 6

Non zone Dinner.



Tuesday, September 05, 2006

The Plan - At work 7 blocks

Actual: 8 points

Starbucks - doppio espresso with ice water + 2tbsp h&h

Dairy products are not reduced fat, so I am not adding nuts to the meals that have dairy. I've got it ALL ready to go.

Haha. One day is easy. It's the rest of the days I Eff it UP!

Breakfast: (08:00)
(2) 1/2 cup cottage cheese
(2) 1 cup strawberries

Lunch: (1pm)
(3) 3 oz roast beef
(2) 5 crackers
(1) ???

Snack: (3:00pm)
(1) Latte - 1 cup milk

Snack (4pm):
(1) 2 boiled egg whites (no salt, can't eat yolk without salt!!!)
(1) 1 plum

Snack: (5pm)
(1)Latte 1 cup steamed milk

Next 5pm will just have a black americano (water + espresso)

Dinner 3+ blocks 8:00pm:
3 pork chops pan fried
1/4 cup mashed potato
1/8 cup gravy

Monday, September 04, 2006

Diane - lite

Modifed (BX mod called for double SH Press sub but I missed that)

105# DL
55# Sh Press with Bar

Well it was barnburner anyway.

DL broken:

1) 10/6/4
2) 8/5
3) 9

SH Press broken:
1) 7/6/4/4
2) 7/4/4
3) 5/4

Tried the over/under grip on deads. It worked if I used a wider grip. If I use over/over I keep a pretty narrow grip. Neither seemed better but maybe on a heavier lift.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Summary 8/26-9/1

Saturday: 3 rounds: 21 pull ups/21 dips/10x 55# power cleans/50 squats 33:48
Sunday: Push Jerk 3-2-2-2-2-1-1-1-1 PR 100# Clean & Jerk, 100# Push Jerk
Monday: CrossPit - 2 of the prescribed 3 rounds in 15 minutes: 30 push press 55#/30 box jumps 20" (box step ups)/90 Hard Fast Punches Killer
Tuesday: off
Wednesday: 30 min BJJ + Kempies 55# 5 SHPress-10 Push Press -15 Push Jerk workout - 17:40
Thursday: 20 minutes of 1 Hill Sprint + 10 manmakers + 10 monkey hangs - 2 tough rounds ugh
Friday - off

today: Saturday - Helen 16:51 16kg kb (Big Dawg). 98 degrees out at 08:30 + 60 minutes intense Krav Maga

Helen 16:51

Disappointed in my time. Back in march I did 15:08 with a 35# db

Not disappointed in my effort. My runs seem faster - under 2:20 but then I have nothing left in the tank for the pull ups and kb swings. I was kicked at the end. I couldn't talk and I had to lay down. I made a sweat angel! but no camera :(

Under dawg time is sooooo far away:

Helen (Under 10:00)
3 Rounds:
Run 400 M
21 Kettlebell Swings (Men 50#, Women 35#)
12 Pull ups

A new person told me I lookd great doing the pullups. I told him it took me a year and a half to get there and he said he couldn't probably do ONE. So told him, if he did crossfit he would. :)

I did 60 minutes of Krav after.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Thursday @ Brand X (Connor's Special Workout)

I think Jeff called it because its made up of stuff Connor is good at, but it looked like Connor still got killed!!

How many rounds can you complete in 20 minutes

1 hill sprint
10 Manmakers (30# db or 20#db for women and teens)
10 Broad Jumps
1 pass on the monkey bars

Connor got 4 rounds

I did 2 rounds of the porch version -- everything the same except db weight for manmakers: 15#

I couldn't get the monkey bars...round two I did monkey hangs (hang alternately from each hand without getting down but I had to get down more than 5 times)

THen I made my friends take pictures of their handstands/HSPU...