Painstorm XVII (Brand X will be doing this Sat. Sept. 16th)
30 minutes of the following complex:
Hang Power Snatch (bring the bar down behind your neck)
Walking Lunge
Walking Lunge
Heaving Snatch Balance
Walking Overhead Lunge
Walking Overhead Lunge = 1
Report the following:
1. Distance covered in 30 minutes ~240 M
2. Reps completed in 30 minutes 65
3. Number of times you put the bar down (record 1 everytime you hold the bar at the waist and 2 for evertime the bar hits the ground) 6
Rest 5 minutes then complete and record the following:
Single Max effort pull ups 12
Single Max effort push ups 14
Single 1 minute max effort push press with 45# 21
30 seconds rest between efforts
Pull ups are scored from full extension to chin above bar.
Push ups are scored from body touching ground to full extension.
You may rest in a plank position at the top of the movement any break in the plank and your done, any resting on the ground and your done.
Push press must be to full lock out and shoulders activated, bar overhead.
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