Friday, October 31, 2008

Bench Press 105x3 PR

Just for fun...Bench Press 3-3-3-3-3


PR on basically all of those as i think the most I ever tried to bench was 75 wayyyyy back in 2005 or 2006.

Are you allowed to keep your feet on the bench?

This is what my midsection looks like right now. It's been better.


A Wild Celtic Rose said...

I think your mid section looks great! certainly better than mine...

Craig Massey said...

Well, technically you're supposed to keep your feet on on the ground or on a flat surface if you can't reach the ground for a bench to be competition legal.
That actually makes it a bit easier, so the PR still counts.

Not commenting on the second photo or how much tummy-sucking-in was going on. ;-)

Unknown said...

hahhah by NOT are commenting.

I will neither confirm not deny any tummy sucking.