Here's a link to a post on Brand X - a place to keep all your benchmark workout times together and to compare how you stand in the pack...
This is my list. A few holes in it. But overall I have improved most of my benchmarks by around 50%. Sweet!
CFT: 1/31/07, 385, 130,70,185
CFT: 5/07/07, 440, 155,80,205
CFT: 6/01/07, 435, 170,80,185
Angie: 04/02/07,31:27, Half of the pushups were box pushups
Barbara: 02/19/07, 54:07, RXD
Chelsea: Date,Rounds completed, modications
Cindy: 12/06, 11 rounds, 5 rounds of pushups were on box
Cindy; 5/19/07,10 rounds , as rxed
Diane: 03/15/07, 155#, 20:07, BD Women's wt
Elizabeth: 04/11/07, 16:21, 75#, Weight Mod
Fran: 2/15/07, 65#, 7:33, Weight Mod
Fran: 6/13/07, 85#, 30 minutes, Weight -10 from RX.
Grace: 03/08/07, 65#, 5:53, Weight Mod
Helen: 3/26/06, 35, 15:08, dumbbell
Isabel: Date, Weight,modication,
Jackie: 02/07/07, 11:57, RXD
Karen: Date, Time, Modifications
Linda:12/06/06, 20:17, 85# DL, 75# BP, 35# HSQ
Mary: Date, Rounds completed, Modifications
Nancy: Date, Time, Modifications
The "Other" Girls
Lynne: Date, Reps/Round
Kelly: Date, Time, Modifications
Annie:Date, Time, Modifications
Nicole:Date, Rounds completed, Modifications
The Heroes Workouts
JT: Date, Time, Modifications
Michael: Date, Time, Modifications
Murph: 03/03/07, 36:54, Half Murph
Daniel: 06/15/06, 31:02, Porch mod reps of pull ups, BD women wt
Josh: 02/26/07, 12:11, 45# bar, wt mod
Fight Gone Bad: 09/30/06, 234, Class C Womens std wt
Tabata This: Date, Score, Modifications
100 burpees 15:15
10 rds 15 DL, 15 Pushups - 24:48 pushup mods
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