Wellll.....I should have scaled it. I planned on scaling it and so...
Of course I got to Brand X and didn't scale it.
Ring Dips
Push Ups
Last round of Ring dips was Negatives only. That is a ridiculous number of Ring Dips.
(Not sure if that was the correct order but that's how I did it.)
I did not use a pad for the HSPU but I do not have much idea how far down I got. I can't tell how deep my Ring Dips were but I know they hurt. I was mostly striving to do each rep as much ROM as I could possibly do.
It hurt. I should have scaled it.
I did try to warn you. And I couldn't agree more about the number of ring dips. Here at home that's all I have, but I should have done one of the lower intensity variations. Bench dips would be a waste of time, way too easy, but the gap between them and rings dips is pretty major.
Your perseverance impresses the hell out of me. Really.
hmmm some times I sub ...ummm...errr... push ups for ring dips...ahem.
Never mind.
I hope screaming muscle pain does not set in in the middle of the night. I have crossfit at 10 tomorrow!
(and thanks. I felt pretty good getting it done and was pushing the envelope on Range of Motion for the HSPU and Ring dips. Jeff caught me laying up against the wall like a rag doll when I was done. He looke amused and pleased at the same time.)
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