Monday, July 16, 2007

Goals: Mid year planning

Back to Personal Training (1 session a month) to help with goals I have been actively working on:

Muscle up
8:00 minute mile
HSPU to ground
Ring Dips past parallel in a workout
20’ rope climbs in workouts

CFT 500 (445)
Pull ups 50 (30)

Underdawg Fran 65# (7:33) - 7/19 5:22
Underdawg Helen 35# (15:08)- 7/25 13:42
Underdawg Diane 155# (20:00) -

Fran As Prescribed (95#) under: (20 min/15 min/10 min)


Craig Massey said...

Really hoping you get Fran on Thursday.

Unknown said...

I think I just might get it!