Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Heavy Fran

85# thrusters
12# weighted pullups
ready for the time? you are gonna die.


The as Jason was calling the 6pm class i was going to find Sifu Dan to tell him, jason goes, "Hey, where you going?" (He saw me working out") "You have to do this one!"

but I just did Heavy Fran....

"So what, that's this one too. It's only 20 minutes. Do the pack."

So of course...I did

15 minutes of
10 1 legge box jumps (no I am not kidding)

I got 7 rounds done.

Earlier today I did 5x5 Shoulder Presses @70# and 5x5 Back Squats @125#

1 comment:

Craig Massey said...

Now that you've laid it out, that's a lot of work in one day.

Heavy Fran is very cool, that's an enormous improvement over last time, about time you stopped being so lazy. LOL

I'm very proud of you.

"Getting strong now" <- Rocky theme.