Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Wednesday - Heavy, fractured Fran 17:17

Per Coach Jeff:

9 rounds of:
5 Thrusters 90#
5 Pull ups 12# vest

All sets unbroken. Pretty happy about that.


Last time with 4kg bell on a belt (maybe 10#) 26:26 - All the thrusters were broken on that one and 3 of the pull up sets were. 9:09

Thrusters were from a rack, so I think that saved energy that I put to better use. The only thruster that felt like it could have been a failure was the last one, and I got half way up and and refused to fail at that one.

I knew I could get a better time if I did not have to eff around with a kettle bell and Jeff told me how to adjust the vest to weigh less.

Pretty happy about the improvement, since I wanted to get in under 20. I got in under 18, that's less than 2 minutes per round!


Craig Massey said...

That is absolutely brilliant work Laura.

Fantastic progress

Unknown said...

Thanks, I'm very pleased with myself!