Friday, June 16, 2006

Summary 6/3-6/9

Saturday: Painstorm XIV: (incomplete) 58:31
Sunday: 25 hang pwr clean/run 800/50 hang pwr snatch 17 minutes
Monday: CrossPit - fighting Chelsea 1 minute, alternating with 1 minute Hard Fast punching on the heavy bag. Puppy workout for 20 minutes
Tuesday: Gracelet (75# C&J x 30) 12:33
Wednesday: off
Thursday: Run 400, 21 thrusters, run 200, 3 rope climbs. 26:51 (killed on intensity on this one!)
Friday: 21-15-9 65# push press Push ups 11:31

Wait a minute... I missed a rest day???


Davie said...

How was PainStorm?

We are getting ready to hit it tomorrow

Unknown said...

It was was a good one! However it is pukie inducing, particularly the becks' burpees! I cut them in half and I still had to rest every 4 reps to keep from hurling. I did the The Hang Power Cleans and Hang power snatches the next day and they were a bear. Go light on the snatches!