Sunday, June 03, 2007

Patagonia Route

Just messing around at Brand X. Darby and I were talking about the wall and climbing so I got up on it and tried the patagonia route. Had to come back down about two thirds of the way. Climbed down a bit then lost it an had to drop down.

Couldn't quite put the feet and the hands together as usual.

Darby said, you almost had it, so I tried again, with her pointing out where to go next, I got to the top and climbed all the way back down.

Funny thing is I have not been on the wall since November. Once I realized I had to find higher footholds to give myself the boost up to the next hand holds, I had it covered. Coming down was much harder.

Darby, Delaney and Kim Toth were my witnesses. Darby made me a sticker for my shirt, " I climbed the Patagonia Route. Laura Rucker." Signed, " Darby Toth, witness"

That was fun.

1 comment:

Craig Massey said...


When I ran the Operational Team responsible for the MS based servers I once awarded a "Friends of NT Admin" sticker to one of the Architects who helped us out when our Exchange cluster lost the plot. They seem to have stopped giving them out now that I'm in the project team.

Well done.