Saturday, April 28, 2007

Car go crash.


I'm fine. Just a seatbelt bite on my collarbone.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Short week - Summary 4/21-5

Saturday - Strength WO 5 rounds Run 400M/5 DL (1.5BW*)/3MU**
Monday - WOD - 50-35-20 Wall/Ball Pull ups 19:34/CrossPit: 3.7 rounds 1HSpr/20BJumps/20 sprawls/20 punches 20 min (approx)
Wednesday - 9-15-21 Thrusters 65#/Row for cals 9:03

*Deadlifts were scaled. 120x5, 5@185, 5@185, 5@185, 120x5
** 3 Seated MU transistions + 3 ring dips X3 each round.

Had to work Thurs night and today got into a car accident, so I will probbly be taking a few days off or just doing light stuff starting monday.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Wednesday - Rowing upside down Fran 9;03

Tabata Pushups


Big Dawg
Thrusters 65#
Row for cals


Thrusters partitions 9, 8-7, 7-7-7
Rows 1 cal per pull until round three when I slowed up a bit, toasted.

Thanks for the coaching, LD.

Monday, April 23, 2007

WOD - Wall/Ball Pull ups/CrossPit

Warm up with Denise, Run 400M

Reading and Vertically challenged (I am 5' tall) version of the WOD:

50 Wall-ball shots 14#/8'
50 Pull-ups
30 Wall-ball shots 14#/8'
30 Pull-ups
20 Wall-ball shots 14#/8'
20 Pull-ups

When I went to write my time on the whiteboard, I realized I should have done 35 in the middle round and went back did 5 more reps of each.

Which made my time 19:34
Still. Not bad. I had estimated it would be 30 minutes for the whole thing.

Decided the CrossPit Workout looked like a good idea.
--------INSERT MY SIGN HERE---------------
Supposed to be Big Dawgs: 5 rounds
1 Hill Sprint
20 box Jumps 20"
20 Sprawls
20 punches

I got through 3 rounds, 1 Hill sprint, 20 Box Jumps, 6 sprawls.
did all the box jumps as jumps.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Today's workout at Brand X was a strength workout put together with MIke H in mind.

Big Dawgs:
5 rounds
400 M
5 Deadifts (1.5 X bdywt)
3 Maniac Muscle ups

Pack, Puppies, Buttercups
Deadlift Skill work

Jeff said I was a Big Dawg today - with subs.
I did 5 rounds
Run 400m
5 Deadlift (see below)
3x3 seated m/u progression work + toe assisted full rom dips

First round of deadlifts w/ keegan's bar 120# too light so moved to connor's bar
3 rounds with 185# - all broken
Last round w/120# because I could not pick up Connor's bar anymore.

That was really hard and was more like an ME workout + skill work. Needed that. Took about 40-45 min.

Summary, April 14-20

Saturday - Painstorm XXIV
Monday - CrossPit 2.7 rounds in 15 min. of 1 hill sprint, 10 burpees, 10 ball slams, 95 punches
Tuesday - Push Jerk 5x5 - 75-75-80-80-85
Wednesday - WOD Row 500m/HPSnatch 28# 15:24
Friday - Quick Workout, ~8 minutes chipper with 97 reps of 45# Oly lifts + 10 pull ups and Darby Darrow Grappling

Friday, April 20, 2007

Friday - Quick Workout and Darby Darrow Grappling

Did a pack version of Connor's Class workout (late arrival) and used a 45# bar (mens's BD weight because I didn't notice that before I started)

12 shoulder press
25 push press
30 push jerk
10 pull ups
15 front squats
15 back squats

about 8 minutes.

Would have liked to try the big dog but WTH? 100 push jerks! LOL. I only had 15 minutes to work with.

I think Big Dawg's was:
45# men/35# women
25 shoulder press
50 push press
100 push jerk
20 pull ups
30 front squats
30 back squats

Karen did it in 19:00 with 35#

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Wednesday - WOD Rowing/HPS 15:24

Work on rings and rope climbs.

Wod in Jason's class
pack scaling

3 rounds
28# hang pwr snatch
Row 500m

Work on double unders.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Tuesday - Push Jerk 75-75-80-80-85

Push Jerk 5-5-5-5-5


85 was pushing it.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Monday - CrossPit/Rope Climbs, running, pull ups

Skill work: Rope climbs. Got up to the white tape! 20' = 4x my height. Coming down was scarier than getting up.

a few flat bar pull ups - felt weak. Did singles

Punked out on 1 mile run. Sat on the curb, disgusted, after the first 400m (2:32) then shamed myself into running the rest. So 1 400m run and 1 1200m run. 10:20

Is this a painstorm hangover or just a bad attitude?

CrossPit Workout
Big Dawg - How many rounds in 15 minutes
1 hill sprint
10 burpees
10 ball slams (20#)
95 punches on heavy bag (or was it 90?)

Should have been able to do 3 rounds of this. Got through 2 + hill sprint, burpees, ball slams and 15 punches.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Saturday - Painstorm XXIV

100m run
35 burpees
200m run
75 press ups (10 min)
300m run
100 lunges
400m run
150 squats
300m run
100 lunges
200m run
75 press ups (also in about 10 min!)
100m run
35 burpees


Friday, April 13, 2007

Summary 4/7-13

Saturday - Fran 65# 7:51

Sunday - 15-12-9 Back Squat/HSPU 7:03 85#

Monday - Skill Work, PR 2:03 on 400M, CrossPit 3 rd WB, BoxJ, Jumpin P/u, Punches 1 min each, rest 1 min between rounds.

Tuesday - off

Wednesday - Elizabeth 75# Power cleans/Ring Dips 1...

Thursday - off

Friday -Hill Sprints/Pull ups

Friday -Hill Sprints/Pull ups

Got to class late and surgically altered the class workout to make it so I could get done before kenpo class started.

3 rounds
20 pull ups
1 hill sprint
~12 minutes

I don't really know how long it was. I started well into the 20 minute workout Connor was running which was a "how many rounds in 20 minutes" that included hill sprints pullups AND hypoxic kettlebell swings... *shudder*....and I finished when the clock said 24 something.

My shoulders are wrecked from Elizabeth. The pull ups were torture.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Wednesday - Elizabeth 75# Power cleans/Ring Dips 16:21

75# power cleans
Lame ring dips

Then did about 10 sets of 2 pull ups with flat grip.

From 2 years ago:

Posted: August 2, 2005, 7:43 pm Post subject:


21 @ 75 Power cleans (broken - fail on 13th rep)
7, 6, 4, 4 bar dips

15 @65 Power cleans (broken)
9, 4, 2 bar dips

9 @65 Power cleans (broken)
5, 4 bar dips

75# power cleans were a deadlift then squat to floor for clean. Too heavy for this workout but able to keep pretty good form.

heh - talking to myself again.
Best dips so far with many more reps per set than I have been able to do to date.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Monday Skill Work, PR on 400M, CrossPit!

Skill work: ring stuff, pull ups on flat bar, rope climbs.

Brand X 400m 2:03 PR by 21 seconds.

CrossPit Workout:
3 rounds 1 minute each of the following
Wall Ball
Jumping Pull ups
Box Jumps (step up)
Punches on Bag
rest 1 minute


My Fran time on Saturday was only 12 seconds slower than Tony's PR of 7:38.

I'm sorry but that's just CRAZY.

On a scale from 1-10, an under 8 minute Fran I would rate a 7, 8 tops.

under 5 is 8 or 9

Under 4 is a 10.

Anything between 3:30 and 2:00 is off the charts.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Sunday - 15-12-9 Back Squat/HSPU 7:03 85#

Could not pass this one up, from yesterday's WOD.

15-12, and 9 rep rounds of:
Back squat
Handstand push-up

Post loads to comments.

Used 85# for back squats. All unbroken! I think the form was good.

Funny it doesn't ASK to post time, but it took me 7:03.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Saturday - Fran 65# 7:51

Saturday - Fran 65# 7:51
Pull ups, chin over top bar. Thrusters much more solid. Only cost me 18 seconds.

Bradley did the Kid's CrossFit Fran.

5# db thrusters first round, 3# db thrusters for second round
Jumping pull ups on rings


Friday, April 06, 2007

Friday, Row 2500m 11:20, Connor's 6pm 18:49

2:00pm - row 2500m 11:20

6:00pm - One from Connor
Big Dawgs
Run 400m
10 pull ups
10 push ups
10 squats
10 burpees
10 wall ball
10 kb swings
1 Hill Sprint
10 pull ups
10 push ups
10 squats
10 burpees
10 wall ball
10 kb swings
run 400m


That killed me.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Summary 3/31-4/6

Saturday - Tabata FGB - 34
Sunday - off
Monday - Angie 31:23 (modified pushups) /CrossPit Bas Ruten 28 min workout
Tuesday - off
Wednesday - 7 rounds 250m row/12 burpees/12 pull up...
Thursday - ME Shoulder Press 70#x5
Friday, Row 2500m 11:20, Connor's 6pm 18:49

Thursday - ME Shoulder Press 70#x5

70#x3 Fail on 4th rep
75#x2, 75#x1, 70#x4
That was enough - seriously ME. Looks like 70# is my 5 rep max.

Then, worked on full cleans. Highest weight 90#

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Wednesday - 7 rounds 250m row/12 burpees/12 pull ups 35:00

Jason's 6pm class did

7 rounds
250m row
12 burpees
12 pull ups

35:00 flat

That sucked

Jason: How do you feel?
Me: Like I'm gonna hurl.
Jason: Good. That's the way I felt when I did it.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Why are they yelling at you?

I was on my 80th situp in the middle of angie with the clock running at about 14 minutes.

"What are you on, Laura?" Jeff's voice was not loud, but authoritative as usual.
"Hurry up, you need to go faster!"
"Yes, sir!"

From across the room, I heard Dan - Sifu Dan - yelling. "Come on, Laura! Hurry up!"
Then a chorus of voices. Kim, Andrea, and a few I couldn't pinpoint because I started to laugh.

There are about 20 people doing this WOD. But all the trainers know I respond to verbal commands with a Yes sir and by picking up my pace, or by an incredulous look and exasperation, "No, sir, I can't!"

David Shanehan, Sr, also doing sit ups looks at me (he'd already done his push ups and I was saving mine for last. Which is why the trainers wanted me to hurry. I was trying to get the WOD done in under 30.) and shakes his head.

"Wow. They never yell at me like that! What's that all about?"

I was still laughing while I tried to finish my last few situps. "I know. It's hilarious!"

I finished the squats with a few corrections from Jeff and some more encouragement to hurry it up. And when I moved on to push ups it was nearing the 20 minute mark. I did 23 or 25 pushups on the ground before Jeff ordered me to the tire.
"I'd like to see you do three on the tire and 2 on the ground. Then rest. I said REST!" haha.

"Yes, sir."

He had to start a private with another student but he kept tabs on me out of the corner of his eye. When I finished it was 31:23.

"Come on, Laura! Start doing push ups!" With a wicked grin.

"I'm done, sir."

"Oh, well that wasn't enough push ups. Do some more." Then he just outright laughed.
"Good job."

I knew he meant it.

That's why they yell at me.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Monday - Angie 31:23 (modified pushups)

Angie 31:23

Per Jeff's recommendation.

100 Pull ups
100 sit ups
100 squats
100 Push ups

About 1/2 of the pushups were on a tire. Thanks for the coaching, Jeff.

Also per his recommendation, I will add in push ups each day to build up my reps.

I believe it took me 40 something last time I did 100 box push ups.