Friday, December 26, 2008

air fran

Push ups


weak weak weak.

My pushups are horribly slow. The hundred burpees day before yesterday were no help.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Forgot this post: Wed Dec 18th

6:30 pm with GD and Go Irish

Buy in:
handstand walk across the mat
2 minutes jumprope

5 Rounds
Hill Sprint
35 Squats

Cash out:
Max handstand
2 minutes jumprope

The blocks are about 150m long side and 50m short side.

3 rounds
1 block sprint
30 squats.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Monday, Grace 7:57

Grace 95# Power Clean /Push Jerk, 30 reps 7:57

Sunday, December 14, 2008

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Saturday, December 13, 2008

Today’s Brand X class was wicked!

Buy in:
5:00 with partner
200m run
Rope climbs while your partner runs.

Workout 20 min:
200m run
One arm DB Bear Complex
(One partner does complex while the ither runs)

Count your reps of complex. Try to beat your partner’s score.

I used a 35# dumbbell and got 35 reps.


Cash out:
Max pullups
2 laps bear crawl
Max pullups
2 laps bear crawl
Max hang for time
2 laps bear crawl

35 Total reps bear complex with 35#

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Friday, December 12, 2008

At Brand Christmas Party with Joy.

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Thursday, December 11, 2008

runny cindy ish

CF class at Brand X 6:30pm

Buy In
Jump rope 2 minutes

Big Dawgs
3 rounds
Run 400M
7 minute Cindy

I got 10 total rounds of cindy.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Wednesday 2-fer - Annie and Push Jerk 3-3-3

50-40-30-20 and 10 rep rounds of:
Double Unders
Sit-ups (abmat)


improvement of 1 minute. Mostly due to unbroken situp. Double unders still done one at a time. For. EVER.

Then 6pm class with DD and Big D

Buy in
5 rolls
10 squats
15 ring rows

Push Jerk 3-3-3
130 x0 Big D tried to trick me.
120x1 (failed 2 attempts at another rep)
Big D says it was a form issues - not enough hip explosion and not a quick enough drop.

Cash out: Handstand practice and Max hold handstand against a wall.

Sunday, December 07, 2008


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Thursday, December 04, 2008

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Sunday, November 30, 2008

Off Topic

New worst xmas gift idea: 'Schedule your man's prostate exam. Give the gift that says I love ALL of you.'

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Saturday at Brand X

10:15 am Class at Brand X

5 Stations
Max effort in 3 minutes each station
1 min rest between stations and rotate

D Ball Slam
Tire Flips or KB deadlifts

Cash Out: CrossFit Dodgeball

Good job everyone! Great Effort out there.

That was a tough workout. The only saving grace was knowing you were done with each exercise after 3 minutes.

My total was 236

pull ups 41, Push ups 33, Squats 79, Tire Flips 25, Slam Ball 58

I suck at dodgeball.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Post thanksgiving feast.

We grilled a tri tip roast and sauteed some squash for dinner at my brother's house.

I did drink some beer so I'm pretty sure I was still not in the Zone, but it's better than mashed potatoes and gravy!

Monday, November 24, 2008


CrossPit Workout

AMRAP in 10 minutes

10 one arm db snatches (30#)
4 forward rolls on mat
10 Burpees

4 rounds even

Monday - Running and Ab stuff.

BIG D - 24 November 2008 06:37 AM
630am Crossfit @ Brand X

Run 1200
50 sit ups
Run 1200
25 Toes to bar
Run 1200
15 Knees to elbows

Did this at 6:00pm

33:10 ( I think)

run 1 8:36
run 2 9:02
run 3 9:08

Not unhappy with those times.

Previous incarnation had less running and more reps of ab stuff.

This was one of Jeff's diabolical creations:

Run 1000m
100 situps
run 1000m
50 Toes to bar
Run 1000m
25 KTE

Stupid Running. Keep in mind, 1000M in brand x meters is about 1200M.


Friday - Dan's Ladder modified

AMRAP in 20

200 M
1 Rope Climb (Eyes to 12’, I’m a Hobbit, but mostly by the time I got to 12 feet I was afraid if I let go of the rope with my feet I’d fall down)
5 Push ups
15 Squats

I was on the last rope climb of the 3rd round when time was called. So 2 full rounds, + 200m run and 2 sets of the rope climb/push ups/squats subset. 2.66 rounds. LOL.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Food. Here we go again.

Small Latte
1 block

2oz roast chicken. Hazel nuts. 1 apple.
2 blocks

Thursday, November 20, 2008

FWD: 30 Bear complexes for

9:00am Brand X
Buy in
Animal walk tag


30 Bear Complexes for Time
65# 9:59
Last time did 30 with 80#s in 22:27.
"That time WASN'T Smokey, Laura. Because it wasn't a metcon."

Cash out
30 vertical jumps 8” above outstretched hand

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Wednesday - Power Cleans 3-3-3/Sprints

6pm at Brand X
Buy in
Bear crawl the mat
5 push ups
10 squats

Power Cleans

95 (that was a gimme), 105, 110 (f@3), 110 (f@2)

Still 105x3 is a pr for 3 and 110x2 is a PR for 110.
My tested 1rM is 120.

Cash out
5 x 100 M sprint
All of these felt good. (yes, you DID read that correctly, Metric)
Someone actually said “Laura, you’re FAST!” LOL. I just happened not be around Cerberus or...well...anyone FAST. But it did feel fast for me.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Monday - HPSnatch and Running/CrossPit

5 rounds

15 Hang Power Snatch (45#)
Run 400m

I expected to take over 20 so I scaled from 65 to 45. All my HPS's were unbroken. I got yelled at for not going fast enough (if you're going to go lighter I want to see you going FASTER, laura!)


Not unhappy with that. Tried not to rest between the runs and the HPSnatches either.

Then lots of CrossPit combos and grappling.

CrossPit workout: Sprawl Wars with my partner

He did 1-3-5-7-9-11-13
I did 2-4-6-8-10-12-14.

I won!

Mind F*&K Fran

Saturday @ Brand X

Mystery Fran

Pull ups

Partner workout. Coaching partner recieves a postit with a mystery combination of Pull up and Thruster sets totalling 45 reps in 3 rounds. Athlete performing the workout doesn't know how many reps each set will contain. Keep working until your partner/coach tells you to move from on exercise to the other.

Andrea was my coach.

Thrusters in the first round seemed interminiable.
Pull ups in the first round were ridiculously small set

Middle round manageable for each exercise.

Thrusters were not bad but I still broke them due to mental fatigue. LOL.
Pull ups were never ending.

I finished just at the 10 minute cap.

Thrusters - 23-12-10
Pull ups - 7-6-32


Monday, November 17, 2008

Friday - Hang Power db snatch/pullups/run

21 one handed hang power snatch 30#db
21 pull ups
Run 200m
15 one handed hang power snatch
15 pull ups
Run 200m
9 one handed hang power snatch
9 pull ups
Run 200m


That blew!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Thursday - Front Squat 3-3-3

630pm class with DD and Cyndi

Buy in: 30 jumping squats

Front Squat 3-3-3

warmup = 45/95/105
because Cyndi noted I wasn’t near my max yet by 105’s.

Work sets= 115/125/130

Great coaching by Cyndi. Thanks Jeff and Adam too for the feedback.

Cash out with the birthday boy:
Run 200m
max Burpees in 2:00

17/17/18 = 42 Happy Birthday (Krav instructor) Jim +1 because I still had time left.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

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This is a Sushi place that has the food on color coded plates that travel around the bar so you can just pick the stuff that looks yummy. It all looked yummy.

Food today 11/11/08

1 small latte

2 eggs/1 sausage link/mushroom/green onion/cheese scramble.
1 cup fruit.

Sushi: Salmon...4 pieces. Ate 2 of the rice bases of them. 3 rainbow roll pieces that had some rice, avocado, salmon, etc.
Iced Tea

6 crackers
Tuna/egg/light mayo
peanut butter

Monday - Death by Pull up/CrossPit

6pm Class with GD

Buy in - 5 minutes of jump rope and handstand practice.

Pull up ladder
With a continuously running clock do one pull up the first minute, two pull ups the second minute etc

I completed 12 minutes and I think either 9 or 11 in the 13th minute.

The first 5 rounds were all chest to bar. 6-9 minute were ATTEMPTING chest to bar. 10-13...fageddaboutit. Lucky if I got chin over.

Oh then I did CrossPit with lots of fun punching and kicking drills...check out the CrossPit topic. The workout was 1 minute of thrusters and pull ups, followed by 90 seconds of grappling and 1 minute of rest...4 rounds. Sooo fun.

Friday - November 8th

Four rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
50 Squats


This is actually 2 minutes slower than last time. Brutal.

Thursday Nov 6th

Buy In
25 Flying Squirrels—apparently our flying squirrels were appalling so we were ordered to abort abort! and did jumping squats, and pushups to warm up.

105x5 (PR)
110 failed on 4th rep but did x3
110 same as above x3 And this is a PR for 3 reps. Last was 100 x3

I missed cash out

I suck at eating right/logging

That is all.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Food Log - 11/04/08

Breakfast (errr)1 block.
Small Latte - triple shot.
Whole milk.

Snack 2 block
1 oz havarti cheese
1 oz sliced turkey
1 oz kettle chips

Lunch 2-3 blocks I think
1/2 cobb salad (2 cups)
romaine lettuce
boiled egg
feta cheese
grilled chicken
dried cranberry
2tbsp ranch dressing

Monday, November 03, 2008

Monday - Micheal/CrossPit

Ok so today was nuts…

Michael in the 6pm class with DD.

3 rounds
run 800m
50 sit ups
50 back extensions

30 minute cap. I finished the situps in the last round sometime after time was called..don’t know how long after.

After catching my breath, Jason sent me out for another 800m run for the CrossPit warm up.

I did all of the runs without stopping or walking which is as it should be. I feel like AT LAST my running is coming back to where it was before the summer.

Then I did the rest of crosspit with very little rest including this workout:

4 rounds
1 minute at each of 3 stations with 1 minute rest between rounds

Box jump (20")
20# slamball

Rounds scored by total reps: 48, 50, 50, 49

My lungs hurt.

Food log 11/03/08

Breakfast 2 blocks.
1/2 cup cottage cheese
1 cup strawberries

Coffee with H/H and choc syrup (extra carb/fat blocks)
Triple small SFV Latte - wh milk 1block

Lunch 4 blocks
4 oz turkey
1 small wh wheat roll
1 cup steamed veggies

Dinner 4 blocks
1 egg + 1 oz cheese scrambled 2 protein
1/4 cup canned chili 1 block
1 tortilla - 2 carbs
Fat canola+butter (spreadable butter)
1 cup milk

Friday, October 31, 2008

Bench Press 105x3 PR

Just for fun...Bench Press 3-3-3-3-3


PR on basically all of those as i think the most I ever tried to bench was 75 wayyyyy back in 2005 or 2006.

Are you allowed to keep your feet on the bench?

This is what my midsection looks like right now. It's been better.

Thursday - Running/thrusters/Pull ups

6:30 PM with GD

50 Thrusters (35#)
30 Pull ups
30 Thrusters
15Pull ups
15 Thrusters
10 Pull ups


Did all the running and thrusters unbroken. Thanks to coaching from Jeff.

"Get on the bar, 10 5 more...come on!"
"You do not need to drop that bar, laura...15 more...any one can do 15 thrusters."

"That's metabolic distress...GOOD! Keep moving!"

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Elizabeth - 15:45 PR

hmmm I'm pretty sure I've worked out since the 16th...not many times but I have!

But today, I did:


21-15-9 reps of:
Clean 95 pounds
Ring dips

This is a 4:12 PR.

Cleans were power cleaned from floor. 8,3,3,7/5,5,5/5,4
Ring dips in sets of two and one. Worked on depth but none of my recording devices were ready to go so its unofficial and unconfirmed if dips were deep enough.

Also decided to see what I could power clean for 1 rep...105, 115, 120 (f), 120 - dropped farther down to catch. yay! 15# pr. Done for today. LOL.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Thursday - HP Snatch and OH bar carries

6:30pm @ Brand X

Buy In -
50 t pushups (I got through 30 in 5 minutes)

15-minute AMRAP
10 65# power snatches
150 m walk w/ bar overhead I mostly used narrower grip on the OH carry.

I got three rounds. OUCH

I could not get into support, let alone do an L-sit. LOL. SO no cash out.

Wednesday - Run 200m, TTB/Pullups, squats

6:00pm at Brand X

Buy in:
15 push ups
400 m run
(out of time)

3 rounds
200 M
15 Toes to bar/C2B bar pull ups combo
Pulll ups attemping CTB, with wide grip - done on straight bar...done as singles (TTB+Pull up = 1)
30 squats

(Unforgibbon you put me to shame, man.)

Cash out:
Hang for time 1:03

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Monday - Hill Sprints, Burpees and Pull ups

6pm at Brand X
Abbreviated Buy in:

1:00 Double under practice
10 squats
10 toes to bar
1:00 Double under practice

3 Rds
1 Hill sprint
15 Burpees
15 Pull ups
10 Burpees
10 Pull ups
5 Burpees
5 Pull ups


Cash out: CrossPit Class.

Thursday - Deadlifts 3x210#

630pm class at Brand X

Buy In
15 hops over tombstone pads
10 squats
15 hops over tombstone pads
10 pushups

185, 200, 210 (PR)

Cash Out
5 minutes practice cartwheels and handstands


Brand x 6:00 p.m. Class

Buy in
200 M
5 Broad Jumps
10 push ups missed the last set of these.

AMRAP in 15
100 M Farmers Walk
10 Pull ups
10 DB Hang Power Cleans 35# dbs
1 time through obstacles carrying Dumbbells

one full round plus one farmers walk and the HPC ( second set of cleans done with a pair of 25# dbs because some unlucky soul picked up my 35’s)

...that was extremely difficult and I apologize to all the people who suffered today because of my selfish (out loud) desire to do an obstacle course which I did not qualify by saying “like the one they are doing in the crossfit kids class” on Saturday morning.

Cash out
25 Sit ups
15 Toes to bar

Monday, October 06, 2008

Monday - Bear crawls, push ups and pull ups.

6:00pm at BX with GD

Buy In
200 m run
1:00 jump rope


10 x 50’ bear crawls (one end of the mat and back)
10>1 pushups
10>1 pullups

There was a 20 minute cap. I completed through the 3 rep round in 20 minutes. I did all the pullups on the flat bars. That hurt me. Still I’m not too dissappointed.

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Status Report

I was asked by my Friend Anita, (FirmDancer on the BX forum) if I felt I was back on track, due to some heavy cleans and DB weights I'd used on recent workouts...Here's my reply...thought some of you might be wondering as well. And, if you're not...well haha click BACK and you'll find interesting reading on the BX forum. ;)

Yes, I'm back to at least 4-5 workouts a week. (and have been since the beginning of September) Some days I just don't want to work out but I go anyway. My metcon is still subpar for me and so my times are not that great. I think I'm finally getting me feet back for running. Yesterday I did that Thruster box jump workout with about 40 percent of my BW and the other ladies were using lighter weights than me and it took me twice as long. But i did the 24" box jumps which still scare me. Then I went into Kenpo and Sifu Dan (Big D) made us do an indian run with abotu 20 students running. We ran 800m and I had to sprint twice. I only stopped near the end after my last sprint.

THEN we had to spar the upper belts and everyone said I did well. I was totally smoked after that.

Todays' time was much more satisfying but I think the prescribed weight on that was supposed to be bodyweight cleans. Jeff told me to do the 95# that I had done for the Thursday workout.

All in all, I'm getting closer to where I was. I'm still very dissappointed in how much metcon output I've lost. grrrr.

I'm going to try to find my max Clean sometime in the next week. That 95# is not easy but definitely much easier than it was a year ago!

Saturday - Happy Birthday Jon!

Brand X Saturday AM

We did a birthday workout for JDG today in the Saturday AM class at Brand X

I don’t recall seeing him there hmmmm....

3 rounds

9 Power cleans
19 Pull ups
69 Squats

I didn’t see any scaling on the board but GD scaled folks weights as appropriate.

I used 95 pounds and got the first five cleans out of the gate without even resetting my grip. That was cool.


Thursday - Death by Clean and Jerk

With a continuously running clock do one 135 pound Clean and Jerk the first minute, two 135 pound Clean and Jerks the second minute, three 135 pound Clean and Jerks the third minute… continuing as long as you are able.

Use as many sets each minute as needed.

I completed 6 rounds and did 3 reps in the 7th minute. With 95#

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Rest with Angels, Caleb.

6pm at Brand X
Buy in
2 rounds
1:00 double unders
:30 push ups
:30 squats

8 rounds
Run 400m
8 Lunges
8 Box jumps

20 minute cap == I finished 4 rounds with 24” box jumps
Cash out
Max Pull ups = 16
Max Push ups = 17

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Sunday Flogging Molly - Viejas Concerts in the Park

Sunday's workout was being this close to the stage through two punk bands (Break Union and the Loved Ones) and then Flogging Molly. Mosh pit antics, pushing, standing my ground, staying upright, and generally not getting trampled is quite a lot of work. I was so tired (and bruised) I took Monday off. :)

Saturday, September 27, 2008

FGB Fundraiser - 234

Fight Gone Bad 234

I played in the womens standard class (B)

Wall Ball - 17, 15,15 (14# ball, 10' target)
SDHP (55#)- 15, 16, 15
Box Jumps 20" - 15, 16, 13
Push Press (55)- 25, 20, 19
Row - 11, 11, 11

I did all 3 rounds jumping on the box instead of step ups. I'm not unhappy with that. It could have been worse.

If you haven't donated yet, I can accept donations that count toward my tshirt until tomorrow and donations will be accepted indefinitely to benefit both wounded troops and Prostate cancer research.

Friday - Helen


run 400m
21 kb swings 16kg
12 pullups


That is a horrible time for me. I can’t breathe anymore.

This is the end of my third week getting back to a 5 workout per week schedule. I have hope of getting back to my former performance then exceeding it.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Thursday - Deadlifts (200x3)

630p with Coach GD

Buy In
35 Sit ups
25 Toes to Bar
15 Knees to elbows

165, 185, 200 (PR)

Cash out
5 x 100M Sprint

Wednesday - DB thrusters, OH lunges, pull ups

Using a single dumbbell 1/4 your bodyweight do
AMRAP in 15 minutes of:
5 Dumbbell thrusters
5 Overhead lunges
10 C2B Pull ups

I just used 20# db and lost a minute 30 due to an interruption by phone call.

7 rounds, 5 db thrusters, 5 OH lunges and 5 pull ups.

Could have hit 10 rounds I think.

Monday - Silver Care

Buy in- Max hollow rocks

“Silver Care”
5 rounds
bear crawls 46’ ft.
max squats in 46 sec.
max push ups in 46sec.

Cash out- 1:30 L-sits

I know my totals are 31 hollow rocks, 125 squats and 60 push ups. I think I finished around 16 minutes.

round by round numbers:


Saturday, September 20, 2008

Saturday - Don't Drop the Baby!

So today’s workout was Don’t drop the baby!

3 rounds (partner workout)

10 rope climbs (15’/12’)
30 hang clean and jerk, 95#/65#
50 pullups
200m kettlebell walk, 24kg/16kg

Partners take turns holding the baby/kettlebell while the other works. Both patners have to walk the baby together.

Julia and I did 2 rounds in 41:44 That was brutal. Julia did most of the rope climbs.

I hope Xfit moms gets its affiliation very quickly. We love you, Andrea!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Thursday: Run/Deadlift/Push ups

In the 6:30 pm class with GD

AMRAP 15 minutes
100m run
10 BW deadlifts (165# ) Broken into 3’s and 2’s mostly.
10 push ups - only the last set was broken ( 9/1)

“There is absolutely no reason to stop on this workout except for a total failure of character...” or something like that.

I got four rounds even because I stopped at 14:50....

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Wednesday - Push Press

In 6pm class with Bid D and DD.... Does that make the class a triple-D?

Buy In
3 rounds
Run 200m
10 squats

Push Press 3/3/3

warm up 65# x 3
95# x 3
100#x 3
was going to do 3x 110 but we GD'd it...
120 x 1 (failed second rep)
110 x 1 (BAILED second rep)

so I got a 1 rep PR at 120. Totally worth it.

Cash out Handstand practice 2 minutes.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Saturday - Thrusters, Rope climbs, Runs.

I did the following version of the Brand X WOD:

50 thrusters 35#
3 rope climbs, 10 Pull Ups
30 thrusters 35#
1 rope climb (this is where I said “I’m done!” because my arms were useless)

then thought, well I can at least do the last “run.”


“oh ok its only 15 thrusters”
15 thrusters 35#

“well I guess I can do the LAST rope climb.”
1 rope climb.

All the rope climbs were to the second tape (15’) so I shorted this workout the equivalent of 3 rope climbs and finished in I think 31:50.

Yep the shouting and encouragements did help me.

Monday - CF and CrossPit

9am at Brand X
Buy in
3 rounds
Wheelbarrow walk or hops across mat
Bear Crawl back
Partner goes

3 rounds
20 Jumping Squats (Prisoner Style)
20 Toes to Bar
20 T-Push ups
20 Rope Pull ups

Cash out
Handstand Hold for Time

We did this at 6pm as well. Karen and I did the buy in which hurt.

Then I got through 2 rounds of the workout in 22:26 because as Jeff put it I “refused to be done.”

What does CF stand for again? (Jeff looking around..."This is a Cluster f*.")


Warmup 2 laps and shaddow boxing:

Skills: slipping the right punch. Add in a liver shot, then add in a liver shot and a left hook.

Bag drill: Rush bag and throw at 4-6 strikes of your choice. One person at a time, 4 times through the line.

Workout: AMRAP 10 minutes

Jog 50m, Sprint Back 50M
5 sprawls
5 sprawls
30 punches on bag(flurry)

I got 3 rounds, a sprint and the sprawls and KTE of fourth round. Horrible.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Friday - a modifed workout better than NO workout.

Because there was a Kenpo test I limited myself to 20 minutes. Because my TTB seemed to take too long I modified the buttercup workout.

2 rounds
run 400m
10 TTB
15 KTE
15 situps

20 minutes.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Never Forget - 09/11/01

Michael...for Hero of my choice...for the 9/11 workout of the day.


3 rounds
run 800m
50 back extensions
50 abmat situps

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Wednesday - sprint/HPSnatch/push ups

Brand X 6:30 class

Buy in:
Run 200 (i was late)

AMRAP in 20 min
100 M
10 Hang Power snatches, 65#
10 Push ups

5 rounds, plus run and 3 snatches. Mighta wanted to scale that down a bit... hmmm

Cash out:
25 Supermans
25 Sit ups

Monday, September 08, 2008

Buy in
1 minute Double Unders
run 200M
1 minute Double Unders

5 min Cindy
Rest 3 min
5 min Cindy
Rest 3 min
5 min Cindy

I did my pull ups on flat bar (ouch) got 7 rounds plus 4 pull ups.

then did CrossPit including the workout which was

AMRAP 10 minutes
Jog 50m
Sprint Back
10 forward rolls on mat
30 straight punches

completed 5 rounds



Amrap in 20 minutes
run 100M
5 hang power snatches @65#
10 pull ups

Completed 7 rounds plus the 8th run


AMRAP in 15
100 m run
5 one arm dumbbell deadlifts
5 one arm dumbbell power cleans
5 one arm dumbbell thrusters

Use dumbbell = .25 bodyweight Switch arms each rd.

I scaled to 30# db and got 7 rounds and one run.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Thursday, row 2500m

Rowed 2500M in 11:09

Previous times: 11:16; 11:20

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Wednesday 'Brendan'

10 rounds
10 deadlifts 95#
15 push ups


time sucks.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Friday, Class at Brand X

6pm class with Connor

7 rounds
Run 300m
7 push jerks. 75#

Weight scaled to finish in the time limit. I lowered the bar from rack position in two rounds. The other 5 rounds were unbroken. Re did a couple of reps due to push pressing it and I heard Jeff telling Connor not to allow push presses for push jerks.

That was horrible.

Edit: I searched my blog because I seem to remember this workout from before but wasn't sure it was with push jerks.

It was. I used 95# but it took me almost 28 minutes. July 08 run 300m, 7x 95# push jerks, 7 rounds.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Friday, August 22 - Nancy

5 rds
Run 400m
15 x 45# ohs

There was a cap of 20 minutes on this workout. Didn’t finish in 20 minutes. Didn't finsh the workout.

Finished 5th run at 20:03

All my ohs were unbroken. Runs killed me.

Wednesday, August 20th - Josh

Cash in : L sits on rings for however long it was til Big D called time.

21 OHS (15@ 65#, 6@45#) the Lsits cramped my quads and my OHS sucks.
42 Pull ups
15 OHS 45# unbroken.
30 Pull ups
9 OHS 45# unbroken
18 Pull ups


This time sucks. I should have just gone with 45#. I know the depth is better so I’ll quit whining now.

Monday, August 18th - Satan's Circus

“Satans Circus”

Cash in - toes to bar til GD said to stop.

There is a 15min cap on this

49 thrusters #35
49 box jumps 20”
49 thrusters #35
49 pull ups
49 thrusters #35
DNF - got through the second set of thrusters.

Cash out 49 AbMat sit ups

“Too stubborn to scale, too stupid to quit.”

Saturday, August 16th - Brand X Baseball

Saturday at Brand X

Squat Clinic

“Brand X Baseball”

2 Teams, A & B. Do a directed exercise, then out the door.

First Base: 10 Burpees
Second Base: 20 Squats
Third Base: 30 Thrusters (Bar only)

1st exercise - 5 Push-Ups
2nd - 20 Pull-Ups
3rd - 20 Box Jumps
4th - ??Ring Dips

I completed 2 runs just as GD and Big D called "Time" eerily early thus ensuring a tie.

Tie Breaker was Spartan Races between the two teams and Team A of which I was a member, won by a crushing 1 point.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Deadlift 3 sets of 5 185#

In GD’s 6:30pm class

buy in: 2 min double unders (1 minute talking 1 minute double 5 double unders)

185x5 deadlift

Cash out:
35 ttb (mostly sets of 5, couple of sets of 3 and 2)
25 kte (5x5)
30 seconds of L -sit (3x10sec)

Wednesday - Griff

Buy In
25 OHS + 1 Sotts Press

800 m run
400 m run backwards
800 m run
400 m run backwards


Cash Out
1:30 L Sit

Monday: Rope Climbs/Push ups - CrossPit

Buy in
Max handstand hold
No idea...maybe a minute.

DNF 3 rounds
50 push ups
3 rope climbs using feet, 12 feet last rope climb failed twice on second round

2 rounds in about 23 minutes.

No cashout...or cashout was Crosspit class?
Warmup: run easy two laps, sprint 1 lap, Shadow box

Skills: Defending and throwing the 4 punch combination (left jab, right straight, left hook, right straight) 3 minutes with partner then switch who is defending and throwing . Work on Left Hook. Work on escaping side control by hip escapes.

CrossPit Workout
Partner A sprints up and back two buildings while B rows.
When A is done he/she spends a minute in escapes from side control.
Reverse partners for Row/Run/Escapes.
Thats one round, Repeat for each partner for a total of two rounds.

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Saturday AM Class at Brand X -- Runny Cindy

Saturday AM Class at Brand X

As Many Runds as Possible (AMRAP) in 20 minutes

400m Run
5 pull ups
10 Push Ups
15 Squats

I was 8 squats short of 2 rounds.

Friday, August 8th - Row 2500m

Rowed 2500M in 11:16

Previous time 11:20.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

3 OHS -6 FS-9 BS-12 box jumps

5 rounds
3 OHS 65
6 FSq
9 BSq
12 Box jumps 24" box

Did three rounds. 24" box jumps still a bit intimidating. But I did then and only missed one rep. We had a cap of 15 minutes. Jeff said to "start with the 24" box".

Last time I did all five rounds in 14:56 using a 20" inch box. This workout intended for 36" tires.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Randy @ 6:30 pm

75 power snatches @ 55#


Cash out
Max Pull ups 9
Max Push ups 16

grrrr I didn’t rest enough after the workout for the pullups. Grip was shot from Snatches.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Monday, Sprints/FrontSquats and CrossPit

With GD’s 6:00pm class:
7 Rounds
run to the end of the building, sprint back
7 95# Front Squats (all sets unbroken - last set with GD and Logan coaching me not to look up.)

hmmm how did that happen. My Nike magic slippers must be working.

20 HSPU (knees on stack of mats ??")

CrossPit: Strking and Grappling work. Then

3 rounds
10 squats
sprint 240m
10 squats
Partner punches bag while you do the above for all three rounds.

Time about 13? min with Mark having to cut short his squat/run combo due to running out of time.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

6:30 @ Brand X

AMRAP in 20 min

15 pushups
12 ring dips (round one, full ring dips...second and third roundjumping with negatives)
9 push press 85#

Surprisingly the ring dips were the kicker. After the first round I was at 7 minutes, but I could not get a ring dip in second dip. Jeff said to do negatives.

Got to meet AxelBear ( of our forum and he is really nice guy hopefully get to see him again tomorrow for our brand x dinner?

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Wednesday - Denise 21:14

‘Denise’ in 6pm with Big D

3 rounds
19 pull ups
60 squats
48 kb swings 35 #

(I think)

Monday, July 14, 2008

Monday - Runs/Squats;CrossPit

I don’t believe I’ve done this one before.

4 rounds
run 400m
50 squats


Not entirely unhappy with this.

Then crosspit workout was
5 rounds
1 minute sprawls, push ups and squats
1 minute R+L punch + R Round Kick


Sunday, July 13, 2008

Today's a rest went out shopping for family stuff. It's been a week since the games and I think I'm recovered now. What a blowout day that was. Wednesday's workout was really hard to do...the running made my stomach hurt and the lift were painful!

Friday I just basically walked through it...I just did not have the energy. Saturday FELT bad but my performance was good I monday should see at least a return of previous energy.

I'm sorta zoning...trying to be honest about it and man it really is a calorie restricted method when you get down to it. If I stick to 10 blocks that's less than 1000 calories a day. But it's effective when you implement anywhere between 70 and 100 percent accuracy in my experience.

Still got a target date to hit the Brand X picnic in my two piece suit.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Saturday - Connor


AMRAP in 20 Minutes
5 deadlifts
5 Hang power Cleans
5 Front squats
5 Push Press
5 Back Squats

I used 65# and did 8 rounds plus 5 deadlifts. I don’t think I’ve sweated so much in any workout ever to date. I kept dripping from my forehead on to the middle of the bar when I was doing deadlifts. Just AWFUL humidity and that was a “metcon” hahah well the way Cerberus and IBEATU@XFIT were doing it, it was.

Friday - Connor's birthday workout

Buy in 34 HSPU (or until GD tells you are too slow and makes you stop, I think I did 17 with feet on 36 in stack of tires.)

AMRAP 17 minutes

17 box jumps (I did 20")
17 Hang power snatch (55#)
17 Push ups

Cash out 17 HSPU knees on 20" box.

I got in two rounds but that was not my best jumps daunting, and just not all in yesterday. Still recovering I think.

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Wednesday --Sprints/Push Jerks

7 rounds
Run to end of second building /about 150M
sprint back /about 150M
7 95# Push Jerks


Really tough. Broke the jerks 4/3 each set. Runs excruciatingly slow.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Saturday, July 5th. Crossfit Games are my results for the Crossfit Games Workout:

Round 1: 09:00 am


65lb thrusters, chest to bar pullups

DNF 12:01- didn’t even finish first round. I couldn’t get my chest to the bar after the 8th counted rep. I pulled higher than ever but couldn’t get my chest in close enough. I’ll be working that...oh yeah.

Round 2: 1:00 pm
5 rounds for time
deadlift 185lb
10 burpees, chest and thighs to deck, full extension and clap overhead.

DNF 12:00- completed 4 full rounds of this and really happy about that. Never lifted that heavy of a deadlift for so many reps.

Round 3: 5:00 pm
750 meter trail run.

7:17 this is ok. I know I’m slow. And by the time 5pm rolled around I wasn’t even concerned about what my time might be. No chance of not completing it in 20 though. Estimated completion of 08:00 and so that is better than I hoped.

Total official time: 31:18

I'll try to write up something a bit more colorful tomorrow.

Thursday, July 03, 2008

CF Games 2008

Off to the CrossFit Games

Events for Saturday...default order is my preferred order.

2)Deadlifts and burpees
3)Hill Run

Sundays event will be a surprise and starting times based on your placement in the overall time taken to perform the first three events.

Glad for the hill sprints at Brand X. 750m = 7 hill sprints...right?

Wednesday - Hill Sprints and DB hang squat clean

Workout at 6pm...warmup 1 minute jump rope, 30 seconds squats....

4 rounds
1 hill sprint
15 db hang squat cleans 35# db (ie 1/2 body weight)


That was hard. Big thanks to Kempie and Julie (LRH) for coaching me through. Really really difficult.

I got the best ever sweat angel after assuming the position for about 10 minutes. As soon as Kempie gets it on the computer, I'll post it.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Monday, 6/30

I: 6pm with Jeff

2 min OHS = 39 reps

Then rest max 5 minutes..I think it was about 3 minutes

50 burpees
rest up to 5 minutes - started after about 2 minutes
50 pull ups

14:01 for burpees and pull ups

II: CrossPit workout with Connor after working on a punching, takedown, kimura combo for 30 minutes.

2 rounds:

1 Minute each
Partner takedowns/defense
push ups
pull ups
(looks easy on paper)

Cool down was 5 minutes of submission grappling with partner, Bobbi.

I believe I must have blacked out...

I missed an entire week of workouts there somwhere...

Saturday 6/28

2 rounds of

21 36 tire jump progressions
21 KB swings (53# for 1 round, 36# for the other)\
21 65# thrusters
21 Pull ups

34: somethign...hehe I will have to look it up.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Saturday, Brand X workout and Swimming

TMoney - 21 June 2008 11:23 AM
Saturday at Brand X

7 x 7

7 Rounds

Sprint to end of second building & back
You have 45 seconds from in the door to complete 7 Power Cleans & 7 Any Way Over Head
If you don’t finish in 45 seconds, the round doesn’t count!
Rest 2 minutes between rounds (This got stretched as heat took its toll)

I don’t remember all the weights. Big Dawgs were 135#/95#

Heat was miserable. 100 when I pulled up to the gym at 10 A.M.

I ended up modifying this beyond recognition

5 rounds with 5 reps of the clean and AWOH lifts. Never made the 45 seconds.

22:12 with 95# clean and push press. I spent half the rest periods flat on my back. Poor Joanne came over to see what was wrong with me. This workout kicked my ass.

Then after lunch, which I didn't eat because of the heat, I decided I'd take bradley to the pool where we spent the rest of the miserable afternoon. Thanks to crossfit, although I'm still no runway model, I felt relatively comfortable walking about in my new bikini and lying under the sun between swims. Bradley learned take a few unassisted strokes before he arrived in the safety of my arms. So proud of us!

By end of summer, bikini handstand pic for my blog and Bradley swimming like a fish.


Also I went to the Hotel Del with my sister on Friday and I wore a dress that had originally worn when I weighed 139 pounds and even at 150 crossfit pounds this dress fit like a charm.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Random Rest Day post.

Just a quick observation: I'm really sore from the handwalking HSPU workout yesterday.

The Deadlifts were hard but not un doable. Debbie coached me through sets of three. I think I should be able to do more than that but haven't done deadlifts in a long time.

I also did some squat muscle ups and some jumping bar muscleups as prescribed by Andres, yesterday while waiting around for lunch time.

Need to work on my false grip pull ups.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Brand X saturday class - deadlifts and hand walks with hspu

Today we did this in Saturday AM class:

Handstand walk with HSPU at end of each trip

I got there late, so I dont know what the recommended weights were. I started with 165# but couldn’t do more than singles so after 5 reps went down to 145. BW = 148 Hand walks and HSPU were assisted by Aileen and Paula, and coached by Debbie! Thanks!

I guess it wasn’t for time but it still kicked my but.

Friday - 36" tire jump progressions

ummm dude.

I did a few legit 36” tire jumps.


5 rounds

10 36” tire jumps
10 OHS 55#
10 Pull ups
I completed 4 rounds and 1 more set of 10 tire jumps. (first round I did 5 tire jumps and 5 20o” box jumps as instructed. For the rest, I disregarded Jeff’s instruction and did all tire jumps.)

Jeff had me try a few running one foot touches on the 36 inch stack of 2 tractor tires before class. First had me try the full on jump but he had my hand to steady me. Missed. So he had me do the one foot version of just touching my left foot on top of the tire. Did a bunch of those, but got some righteous stand up on the box hip extended jumps. yeah!

I did the first round with 5 tire jumps, 5 20 inch box jumps. 4 more sets of 10 tire jumps. Some legit and some missed but I only counted the ones where one foot totally landed on tire.

I’ll get the two foot hips extended version. But totally proud for getting on top of those tires.

Thanks, GD for making me try and Gimpy for your coaching and attagirls.

I totally love Brand X!!!!!

Wednesday - bear and cleand and jerk

PR on single clean and jerk 105#, for three singles.

75 and 85 for sets of 3

Bear complex with 45 for warm up.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Muscle up work with Andres De La Rosa.

Sat out the workouts and ended up working with Andre’s from CF Marin who is still down here from the Cert. He gave me a lot of good work to help me get my muscle up (he actually was hoping I could do one):

First he had me try to do a muscle up but my false grip pull ups just aren’t there yet.

Then he had me do:

spotted false grip pull ups (with threat of double the spotted HSPU on the rings for each time I got off the rings)
Seated muscle ups
Seated muscle ups with feet elevated on pad
Jumping bar muscle ups on one of the parallel bars at increasing heights.

So I need to work the above to get explosive false grip pull ups. and work on jumping bar muscle ups to get the explosive movements going.

What a nice guy. He could have been training in the Kenpo class but chose to help me instead.

June 7/8 Gymnastics Cert

Roger Harrel and Andres De La Rosa came down from CrossFit Marin this weekend for the Gymnastics Cert at Brand X. Jeff said I should come in for it, because Roger and Andres were really excited about it and it would be fun.

Seriously, if any cert would be fun, this one should be right!? And yeah it was totally fun. The best gymnastics coaches, teaching some of the best CrossFit trainers. Man. It was great. AND HILARIOUS.

I'm not even sure I can get everything we did down in one entry or even remember it.

Day one we started out with a warmup that just about killed me. LOL. some mat runs with squats and pushups in between laps. Then Roger had us do different push up variations to get our shoulders warmed up.

We needed it becaus the next thing we did were shoulder rolls. OUCH but fun.
Then we did cartwheels for a while. MMMM I think we went to lunch then? when we came back we did a lot of ring work: Press to hand stand, skin the cat muscle up stuff...I failed to get first my muscle up. :(

I think we did toes to bar and and some bar swings before we left the first day. Oh that's right, i had to leave, and there was a conditioning routine and stretching after I left. be continued. LOL. Sorry, Craig!

Monday, June 09, 2008

Friday, june 6th - Suicide Runs

3 rounds
suicide run
30 pull ups
20 ring push ups


Not dissappointed by that time.

Wednesday - June 4th Bear Complex

With big Dave S today at the work gym:

Bear complex =

Power clean
Front squat
Push press
Back Squat
Push press

= 1 rep.

5 sets of 5 = do not put bar down in between reps. Rest as needed between sets.

45 x5
65 x5
75 x5
85 x5 PR
95 x1 just to see if I could. I could. PR
90 x5 PR

Got a nice oly bar bite on the back of my neck.

Monday, June 2 - CrossPit


21-18-15-12-9-6-3 Pull ups
3-6-9-12-15-18-21 Sprawls

After 15 dq’d pull ups on flat bar for incomplete ROM, I did three there and went to the angled bars for the rest. I made my pull ups go to the second bar on those.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Team GrrlPower, Trevor Challenge Before and after

Photos by Darby Toth

In Top Photo: Laurie, Esther, Brenda, Moi

Saturday - Bear Complex 5 x 7

rounds of 7 Reps of the Bear.
Power Clean
Front Squat
Push Press
Back Squat
Push Press
= 1 Rep

Pretty disappointed...startred at 75 which might have been ambitious.

80 (fail after 4 reps)
80 (fail after 5 reps)

Friday - Hill Sprint Cindy

GD: "Laura, are you training today?"
Me: "Yes!"
GD: "Oh good, Connor has the perfect workout for you!"


Hill Sprint Cindy.

AMRAP in 20 Minutes
Hill sprint
5 Pull ups
10 Push ups
15 Squats


5 rounds + Hill Sprint, Pull ups and 5 squats in 20:00. Finished up 6 rounds in 20:15 . Surprised. I thought I could squeeze in 5 rounds.

Good to hear my push ups were still good form. Able to do do unbroken sets of 10 (restin in plank positions if needed) for 5 of the rounds.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Thursday - Run 100m , HPS/Lunge/Lunge, Pull ups

6pm with GardDawg

AMRAP in 20 Minutes of

Run 100M
10 Hang Power Snatch + Lunge, Lunge
10 Pull ups

Big Dawgs 75/55

uh oh I forgot to pay attention to scaling...doh!

I used 55# and it was really hard to power snatch. So I got through 3 full rounds (I think Top Dawg was already at 6 rounds that point) and did the next 100m run and 4 of the HPS/LL combos.

Tuesday - Trevor Challenge

GrrrlPower (BDRN, LauraR, Essie, PwrCrazyGirl)

300 Pull ups
400 Push ups
500 Sit ups
600 Squats


Push ups mod for some reps for two members and some pull ups mods for two members.
This year I did not modify anything. I did sets of 10 pullups for many turns then went to 5s. I did sets of 5 pushups with the rest of the girls for many many turns then went to sets of 3/2 to make my 5s before giving up my turn. I did 2 sets of 50 situps, then 25, then 40, then 13. These are the only things I did large enough sets to keep track of how many I did (178!) then squats were somethign like 40, 25, 25, 30, 20 etc no idea how many.

Last time was 31:42, with KatDawg, DATdawg, Skipper and myself. Karen, thanks for keeping score This time. Metric reminded me that my pushups were on a tire last year. I know I was doing sets of 5 pull ups. I think I did better at the squats last year and I think my biggest set of situps last year was 40.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Saturday AM Brand X 24" box jumps ahoy!

Tony, great time!

Saturday Morning at Brand X


Box Jumps 24"
Hang Squat Clean/Thruster 65#

27:47 (I know it's not a good time and I don't care!)

After watching Essie do the 38" tire jumps, it would have shown a lack character to use the 20" box when I know I can get up on the 24" one.

Today 2 feet, tomorrow, 3/5 my height!

Of course at least 5 minutes wasted in staring at the box in between reps. No failed jumps though.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Friday - Nicole 4 rounds, 1 run, total pull ups 81

Tuesday I played Raquetball again for 60 minutes. I say equivalent to a 10k run in cardio.

So naturally I took two days off. ;)

"Nicole" in 6pm Class with BigD

AMRAP in 20 minutes
Run 400m
Max Pull ups

Completed 5 runs and four max sets of pull ups - 25/17/21/18 = 81 pull ups.

Was hoping to get closer to 100.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Cindy - 11 rounds


11 rounds + 5 pull ups.

I used the thick flat bar and didn't break any sets by dropping off.
Push ups I think are strill my sticking point. I have to break them. 5/5 for about 8 rounds then 5/3/2 then 3/3/2/2 on the last round.

But I didn't have to go to a box. No breaks on the squats, which would have just been a character failure.


Skipped the warm up (see above - trashed still by ms cindy)

Learned cool takedowns and defenses from TopDawg, then he worked them into our workout:

5 rounds
1 minute push ups
1 minute takedowns and defense with partner
1 minute punching on the heavy bag
1 minute rest

That was a good workout but I hated the pushups. LOL.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Wow...this is an improvement.

3 rounds
1 Hill Sprint
30 Pull ups
20 Ring Pushups


Did the first 20 pull ups on flat bars but hands still a bit sensitive from last week's stuff. So to keep metcon went to angled bars.

Last time 29:16. Did ring push ups in sets of 3 and 4 for first round and sets of 3 for 2nd and 3rd round.

Crazy Dave and Jeff pushed me a bit at the end. Thanks!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Diane Modified - 18:43

Diane (ish)

155# Deadlift
HSPU (Feet on box, close to 90 degree bend at waist.)


Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Wednesday - 4x 800m

Today in cBig D's lass:

4 x 800m (960m)

Slowest 800's ever.

Actually these may be personal records. They just felt really slow.

I do know that in the past some of my 800m runs have been close to 06:00.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Rest Day: Fun

REST DAY FUN: 60 minutes RaquetBall ie Fetch and Sprint.

I wasn't really good enough to bother trying to win a game so I just told my superior opponent, "Let's play to 100".

He said I had good hand-eye coordination. I did make a lot of good shots, saves and funny attempts at moving at light speed to where I should have already been.


Monday - not the best day ever

Did Helen in 6:00pm class:

3 rounds
Run 400m
21 16kg Kettlebell swings
12 pull ups

Running was hell...Kb swings were hell....pull ups were horrible. LOL.

14:48 Not even close to a pr.

Then crosspit: trudged 800m then did 40 jumping squats...did a few punching drills and then the workout:

AMRAP in 10 minuts

10 box jumps
10 push ups
100 hard fast punches on heavy bag

I only got through 3 rounds, 10 box jumps and 7 push ups. Horrible.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Wicked Saturday Workout @ Brand X

Class workout @ Brand X

Partner workout: 3 min on 1 minute off. One partner working at a time.
2 rounds for total reps of

Push Ups 71/70
Pull ups 38/45
Thrusters 65# 37/37
Tire Flips 44/47

Skipper and I were partners. Our score was 389. We got a better score in the second round.

Pull ups were hampered by shredded hands.

Thursday, May 08, 2008

6:30pm CF class at Brand X - Pull up palooza

Pullup Ladder
Option A:
One pullup first minute, two pullups the second minute, three pullups the third, four pullups the fourth, until failure.

Option B: Choose a challenging number of pullups (5-12 depending on ability) and do that number within each minute for 20 minutes. You may partition.

I did option B. I chose the number 8 (GD raises eyebrows). I got through 7 rounds. Did 7 on the 8th minute. There were some ripped calluses and blood so Jeff had me move to the angled bar and ok'd me to drop my sets to 5.

spent a minute or possibly two conning Dan D. to give up his spot... sorry!...on the angled bar, and getting a box to climb on.

Did 6, then 5 then spent a minute having GD tape me because of more tears (not crying!) and blood, then I maybe did another round with 5.

Went back to seven since I had lots of time to rest after a set of 5. not really sure how many rounds or total reps but I think it was at least 120 if write off 3 minutes to drama. If I had done sets of 5 it would only have been 100 in 20 minutes.

Monday, May 05, 2008

Double Jax. For Jeremy Jones' future CF monster.
5 Rounds
Push-ups (as many in 1:00) Subbed for ring push ups
Cleans 95#(as many in 1:00) Subbed for 135# cleans
Box Jumps (as many in 1:00) 20" box shared with Jerrod so not so great on reps.
Rest (1:00)


31, 30, 29, 27, 31

That was rough. Even with no weight vest.

Then in CrossPit we did a variation

1 minute hard fast punches on the heavy bag
1 minute takedown attempts/take down defense with partner
1 minute squats
1 minute rest

Not scored. Averaged about 150 punches and about 25-30 squats per round though.

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Trail Run - 2mi 26:24

Did a trail run with some guys from work. Used Map my run to calculate the distance as 2.05 miles. Some of it was on blacktop of street, about a third maybe. The rest on sand trail, dirt trail and hill trail. Rough run. I think I crawled up the hill.

There were 4 of us and of the four, I finished 2nd. Running the level portions were not as hard as they used to be when I ran with these same guys a year ago.

Here's the button for the route and I'll post a couple of pics in my blog later.

Time was 26:24.

Saturday @ Brand X

Today's Class workout was a "fun" team workout:

While Team A does an exercise Team B runs, then Team A runs and Team B works. Team can't start the next exercises until all of their team members are in from the run.

HSPU (400m)
Toes to Bar (200m)
Tire Flips (400m)
Rope climbs (200m)
Squats (400m)

Team B 798
Team A 919

I was lucky enough to be on Team A and my team members were great at motivating me to keep up my running pace. I had to sub push ups for HSPU so 10 pushups = 1 HSPU. That meant I contributed 3 hspu to my teams amazing score, and I did do one complete rope climb. I did better on the Toes to Bar and the Squats. The guys all did amazing work.

I'm sure Team B was amazing too but I was too busy dying... I mean, running to tell.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Wednesday - Suck and Blow II


6pm class same as 6am and 9am

I did big dawgs

AMRAP in 20
45 Thrusters x 10
Pull ups

Completed 12 rounds and 10 pull ups got through 8 before the pull ups started to suck. That blew.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Monday - CrossPit gone bad.

Missed crossfit, due to car trouble. Played with ring pull ups, TTB and HSPU briefly.

CrossPit Workout fgb style, 1 minute each:
row for Cal
HARD punches on heavy bag, r+l = 1 pt
box jumps
inside defense drill (ie getting hit in the face) Not scored
3 rounds.

278 pts.
I rowed 16 cals on last row. That's a PR.

Saturday - Chelsea

Details later

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Nancy Scaled 23:08

Brand X 6:00 w/GD

5 rounds
400M run
15 OHS 45#

Started with 65 but struggled so had to drop to 45 for the last four rounds.


Thursday, April 24, 2008

30 Bear Complexes

Brand X classes did "Smokey"

30 Bear Complex for Time:

Deadlift from floor
Power Clean
Front Squat
Push Press
Back Squat
Push Press
back to floor
= 1 rep

*bar must touch floor between each rep

Big Dawgs

Jeff was assigning weights individually though, pointed at me and I guessed my weight at the 65# ladies BD number but he wiggled his magic scaling finger and pronounced my sentence as..... 80#.


That was not easy, but Jeff said I did a good job. He said, by the way (after about 12 reps), this is a STRENGTH workout, so the metabolic effect is not a factor.

Also before class, I owed Andrea 19 pull ups on the flat bar but I failed on the 17th rep. Jeff yelled 'you suck!' Across the gym. Then he said to get back on the bar because that was just a warm up. Lol. I did 3 more.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Wednesday -- Elizabeth


Cleans (PC) 95#
Ring Dips


Last time 33:29

So last Friday night at dinner with a few folks from Brand X we were talking about the whole Elizabeth controversy, full cleans versus power cleans and the power output of workouts using the two types. Jeff has always advocated that Power Cleans were the original design of Elizabeth, Grace and I don't know if he mentioned JT but I imagine that is the case as well.

I did Grace with 95 pound power cleans and push presses a week or so ago in a record time for me. So I told Jeff that I needed to do Elizabeth again with the 95# ladies weight. The last time I did it was the first time I had done so...I like to call that a "Getting to know you" time. Since you don't know what to expect, your first time is almost not really a benchmark. More of a dry run. I had to do the cleans as singles as well as the dips, as I had never done either in a workout. Jeff said I was the only woman at Brand X to use that weight and my time didn't really matter, just doing as RX'd was an accomplishment.

So this time, I was able to do sets of 3's and 4's with the cleans. Started with weak shrug and very little knee bend on the catch. Finished 21 in 3 minutes. Toward the middle of the second round, worked into a tired froth, forced to shrug more and dip more for the catch. On the dips, started with sets of 3, and went to 2's after about 4 sets, then went to singles. The second round started with 2's and went to singles quickly. Last round, all singles.

I'm really happy with this time. VERY HAPPY.

Tuesday, Rest Day.

Spent my rest day time playing pool and drinking beer with a pal.

I know you all mostly get here from Brand X but here's a link to a good thread.Clock, Friend or Foe?

and here's my contribution:
I haven't decided if the clock is GD's evil henchman or the other way around.

I like the clock. I hate the clock. The clock tells me to go faster. The clock tells me I'm not going to hit the mark. The clock tells me I exceeded my own expectations. The clock tells me I'm getting better. The clock tells me I could do a little better next time. The clock tells me I totally bagged that last one.

The clock doesn't care about my form or range of motion. I care about that so the clock will have to just have to deal with it.

I guage where I've come from by my last best time. I guage where I want to go by other's best times.

Clock, friend or foe?


Monday, April 21, 2008

Monday, Randy 55# 10:06

I did Randy with 55# in class with Go_Irish.


which was not a up y'all!

Then in CrossPit after a bunch of demanding skill work:

3 rounds
15 Thrusters 65#
100 Hard Fast Punches on Heavy Bag


Saturday, April 19, 2008

Saturday - "Jonesworthy is for pussies"

Saturday AM class with Satan

84 72 60 48 36 24
42 36 30 24 18 12
One arm db snatch
21 18 15 12 9 6

Pack and puppies scaled reps. Which I failed to write down.

Took me 40:18 for big dawg reps with modified HSPU.

Friday - Running, Lunge-Press, pull ups

Run 800m
21 lunge with db press
21 pull ups
15 lunge with db press
15 pull ups
9 lunge with db press
9 pull ups
run 800m

24 :15

30# db press
Flat skinny pull up bar per GD's RX.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Wednesday - Painstorm

I did the big dawg painstorm tonight at Dan's 6pm class

Men use 115
Women use 80
10 Front squat
10 Push press
10 Thruster
10 Pull-up
10 Burpee

8 Front squat
8 Push press
8 Thruster
20 Pull-up
15 Burpee

6 Front squat
6 Push press
6 Thruster
30 Pull-up * I onlhy did 25 here so tacked onto my 50 pull ups at the end of last round.
20 Burpee

4 Front squat
4 Push press
4 Thruster
40 Pull-up
25 Burpee

2 Front squat
2 Push press
2 Thruster
50 Pull-up
30 Burpee

My time was 44:28. Pretty happy with that.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Tuesday Rest Day

I think I'll start making rest day posts like the main site does - sans political articles. I think I want to put a little more narrative into my blog...I see lots of folks visiting and maybe I could put a little more personality here. LOL.

I watched the Dacatur Uneven Grace vid yesterday and I was pretty impressed. The ladies used 83 pounds for their weight and I just started using 95# a couple of months ago.

My last time was 6:44 with coaching. One of these girls did 7:20 with unevenly loaded bar. I'm impressed. I'm not even going to try that! Unless Jeff says I have to. hehe.

I really need to work on my HSPU and get them under my belt before the games. I want to go there and not have to sub anything. I think I'm good with almost anything (even if I have to do singles) except muscle ups and HSPU.

So I've decided to work on the HSPU in my office, door closed of course, with feet on desk. Knees on box/desk are too easy now so I have to start working my hands in closer to 90 degrees and get full ROM, head to floor reps before I ask Jeff to help me with the barrier use (ie, like a wall HSPU but with knees bent and feet pushing up on the barrier.)

Also of note: On 4/14 my blood pressure, which has been historically high and occasionally alarming, was 111/62 which is an all time low.

Point the third and then I'm done for the day: This is day 17 of no processed and limited synthetic sweetners in my diet. Limit on artificial is 1 packet of splenda. I have had a couple of days where less than 10 gr of sugar was consumed in a premade food. But I'm not having food that is intentionally sweetened. No cake, cookies, ice cream, soda etc.

I'm out.

Monday - Jumping Squats and Push ups

For class the Big Dawg workout was:

Jumping Squats (squat below parallel and jumpt to touch pull up bar)
Clapping or Slapping push ups.

I started with clapping, but only got about 12 in before I had to scale back to regular pushups which put me back down to Pack.

Time 16;01

Considering this is 100 push ups and 100 jumping squats, I'll take it. Target time looks to be around 11 minutes though.

This is a keeper.


Crosspit workout was

Sprawl wars: Sprawl as in take down defense. Start with one rep. Take turns laddering up by one with a partner til one can't continue. Then ladder down. The partner that quits laddering up first loses. The team that gets highest on the ladder wins.

My partner quit at 10. Jason made me do 5 extra for waiting too long before starting the descending ladder. We then stopped at 4 reps stage.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Repeat of 3 OHS, 6 Fr Squat, 9 Back Squat, 12 Box Jumps

Saturday AM class

5 rounds
3 OHS 65
6 FSq
9 BSq
12 Box jumps 20" box


Everything unbroken. Brief pauses on jumps. Jeff says its 24 inch box time for me. Oh boy.

Last time was 16:49. 1:53 improvement. All the box jumps done as jumps. No broken sets on the bar exercises.

Friday - 3 rounds Run 800M/20 HSPU 28:23

In Connor's 6pm class:

3 rounds
Run 800m


HSPU modified. Did with toes on box until I coudn't do more than singles. Went to Knees on box for part of round two and most of round 3.

The diff between the toes and the knees is incredible, even with the hands far away from the box in the toes version. Seems like I'll never get it but this is the last exercise (besides MU) that I can't do. I'll get it.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Thursday - Grace 6;47 95#

Private with GardDawg; Warmup with running and squats

30 reps clean and jerk*

*any way overhead = Power Clean + Push Press


PR: Previous time 10:06

Then we worked on Push jerk with 65# and did a few pull ups.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Tuesday - Gwen 65#

At home did Gwen

15-12-9 Clean and Jerk

Used the same load per RX, 65#

It didn't say to time it but I did: 7:56

Screwed up the first rep by making it into a thruster out of the clean squat. So I re did the first jerk.

video is here.

Monday - DB Power Snatch / HSPU

6pm Class with Jeff

DB Power Snatch 25#
Hand Stand Push Ups (Progression - Feet on tire until I couldn't do any more then knees on tire.)


I suck at HSPU. Thank you.
I could only do about 5 with my feet on the tire and with my hands so far out that it was practically a regular push up. GRRRR.

Saturday, April 05, 2008

75 thrusters 65# in as few sets as possible, for time


5 sets of 15

Last time was 13:10, I was sick.

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Thursday - Push press 5x5 max 5x 105# PR

6:30pm with. Jeff

Push press 5 X 5

5 x 85
5 x 90
5 x 95
5 x 100
5 x 105

At least a 10# pr, not sure though.

Looks like I've done 3 x 100 but not 105.
I think I did a 5x 95 during a workout last summer.

Push ups

....continuing my quest for more push up endurance:

Did 50 push ups in 4:17.


Should have rested more after the last set of 10 so I could get through 10 more.

That is almost exactly the entire span of my last invisible fran time.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Wednesday - More Core/Stabilizing the Midline

Dan's 6pm class as posted for 9 AM class.

I did

30 OHS 65#
20 TTB
30 FR SQUAT 65#
30 hollow rocks
30 back squats 65#
40 sit ups


Confession: My diet sucks

Just so you know.

I'm a sugar addict. Or more generally a carb addict, which I think is common. I've got a couple folks out in digital land I can use as support/sponsors to break this habit, so I'm trying to clean up my eating habits.

First thing to go: Refined Sugars. I'm also just cutting out artificial stuff except in small amounts. The daily doses of Splenda/Sucralose in my coffee/espresso have stopped. Whole fresh fruit, canned unsweetened fruit and frozen unsweetened fruit have to become my only source of sugars in my diet (except lactose, dude, I'm not giving up milk, sorry)

Next on hit list:
Breads - except sparingly.

Then I have to start adding more fresh veggies. I am not a good veggie eater. I think the sugar in my diet makes that happen. Maybe once I get off the OSE's I'll get better at eating the green stuff.

So, I'm on day 3 of detox.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Monday - Helen PR 12:51


3 rounds
Run 400m
21 kb swings 35#
12 pullups


Pr by 51 seconds. Pullups and KB swings unbroken (well, the last round of kb I held the kb for a few seconds before busting out the last 4)

I also did 4 sets of 10 pushups. Consecutive sets of 10 are rough for me. Then another set of 10 during the warmup.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Saturday - Squat Therapy

Saturday AM Class at Brand X

We did squat therapy and then an AMRAP

Squat therapy is everyone lines up and while a trainer watches the squats and coaches, does

10 good squats
10 pull ups
(get back in line)
10 more squats
20 burpees,
(get back in line)
10 more squats
20 push ups
(get back in line)
10 back squats
10 pull ups
(get back in line)
5 front squats
20 burpees.

Then we did a quick workout

AMRAP in 15 minutes

100m sprint
5 pull ups
10 burpees
15 squats

I got through 5 rounds and 1 sprint.

Friday - Tabata

6pm with Connor


Hang power snatch 55#
Kettlebell swings 35#
Power cleans 55#
Pull ups

score: 165

Thursday - box jumps, kb swings, pull ups

Jeff's 6:30 class

AMRAP 20 min
15 box jumps (Tire to protect wounded shins)
10 KB swings 16kg
10 pull ups

7 rounds + 10 jumps

Broke the pull ups in round 7. Tire jumps were jumped on and off.

This workout killed me. I got a splitting pain in my side and couldn't breathe.

Wednesday - Hike and Invisible Fran

Hiked for an hour while stranded at the Willow Road exit of highway 8.

then came home and did Invisible Fran with Bradley (age 7)


Push ups


Push Ups


Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Monday - Randy 8:47

75 reps Power Snatch 55#


because I was not sure of my count, I did 78 reps in 9:07

PR by about 5:30

Don't know how I did that. Just seemed like I could do more reps this time.

I was dying out of breath and dripping sweat when I finished.

Satrurday - Barbara with a Twist

Let's see if I can get this right:

Partner Barbara - with a twist


Big Dogs
20 pull ups
30 push ups
40 sit ups
50 squats

With timed rounds of 3.5 minutes. First partner completes their round then counts for the second partner during their 3.5 minutes of rest. (Normal Barbara has 3 minutes of rest between rounds)

If you do not complete the prescribed reps in the 3.5, on your next turn, pick up where you left off in the last round. For example if you got through 30 squats when time is called you pick up at the 31st squat then go on to start your next rounds reps.

At the end, report how many complete rounds you got done, work-wise. for example 4 rounds, plus the pull ups on the 5th round.

Pack reps
10,20,30, 40


My Partner was Dave and he did Big Dog, while I did pack. The pushups alone would take me 3.5 minutes per round if I had to do 30.

Made it through 4 rounds and the 5th round up to but not including any squats.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Find weakness and exploit it.

3 rounds hill sprint
30 pull ups
20 ring pushups

Pretty sure my ring pushups were good. Did the first round of pullups on the flat skinny bar.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

WOMFT - Waste of my F(&@#$ingn time.

How many calories do you get for throwing a temper tantrum when you can't get the rowers to a) turn on b) count calories???

Box Jumps
Push Press 55#
Row for no points whatsoever
Wall Ball 14# 10' target
Push press 55#

the only thing I know my score on is box jumps : 18, 14, 15
all jumped.

75 + ?? for row
50 + lost points on wall ball while throwing tantrum and trying to get rower to work
57 + ?? for row

Paul (big Paul) came to see if i was ok while I was pouting and crying by the white board and I said, I'm just p&*^%d.

He said, "Then get up and do a muscle up. "

So I did. Well a jumping one. I used the 20" box, jumped to a deep dip and pushed out of it. yay!

Tried to do it again but too tired.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Modified Nate:

AMRAP in 20 minutes
2 mu - sub for MU - 5 pu/5 dips for 2 rounds, seated muscle up + 10 pull ups 2 rounds)
6 HSPU bridged on the 24" box
8 24kg kb swings

4 rounds plus 10 pull ups and dips

This seems pitiful compared to what Karen got (14 rounds). I think I misunderstood what Jeff told me which I thought was to do the 5:1 ratio rather than the mu progressions. However, I did the most difficult mods I could. I did use the 53# kb swings and got 2 rounds without breaking them.

Then in CrossPit
AMRAP in 20 minutes

1 Hill Sprint
15 Thrusters 45#
100 Hard Fast Punches on the heavy bag

3 rounds plus hill sprint + 5 thrusters.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Saturday, Brand X St Patrick's Day workout

Tara and I did Big Dogs with some mods

100 Squats
100 Box Jumps (Tara 24", me 3x 24" rest on 20")
100 Push Press, 45#
50 HSPU - knees on box 24" box
50M Wheelbarrow Crawl
50 KB Snatch, 35# db
100M Partner Carry
100 Knees To Elbows
50M Beck's Burpees
100 KB Swings, 16kg
100M Partner Carry


Looks like Karen and I did a very similar workout last St Pats day and did Pack reps in about 1 minute faster. Yay!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Friday - cleans/hspu Mile 9:50

21 hang power clean
21 hspu
15 hang squat clean
15 hspu
9 full squat clean
9 hspu

Used a pad with Connor's ok. Was much easier to hit the pad than past.

I messed up the workout, though. It should have been full cleans the entire time.

Ran the big loop mile 9:50

Pr but still want to be faster.

Sparring. With Sifu Dan and Dan E. Taxing. I need more work on this.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Wednesday - Tommy V

Tommy V

21 Thrusters 95#
12 rope climbs 15 ft (fell once)
15 thrusters 95#
9 rope climbs 15ft (fell once)
9 thrusters 95#
6 rope climbs (5 full climbs plus 1 fail at half way 2 failed almost to top of 15", fell once)

Fell off the rope 3 times. Lots of squealing and swearing. I finished with Dan coaching me through and not letting me quit. He did it before me with 115# in 14 something.

It took me 1:04

yep.....One hour and four minutes. This was NOT really for time. This was for Tommy V and all the men and women that don't quit when it's really hard to do their jobs, and especially for those that fall.

Edit - Rope climbs are one of my weakest exercises. The most I've done in one workout is 15 spread over 5 rounds. This was double that.

Also after I got home I realized the women's weight for this should have been 75#. That would have saved me only a few minutes, since the rope climbs were the bottleneck for me.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Monday Bear complex / CrossPit

(Warmup - 3 rounds row 250m 5 each of push ups, pull ups, back ext, squats)

Bear complex 5 rounds

7x 65
7x 75
7x 80
2x 85 f
7x 75
3x 85 f

Out of time - also...I caught the clean as a power clean, front squatted ..then did a thuster out of the bottom, then back squatted and then did a behind the neck thruster.


CrossPit Workout

3 rounds
180 punches
21 slam ball
12 bastards


Sunday, March 09, 2008

24" Box Jump PR - I ain't afraid of no box

I've recently been doing box jumps again after shying away from them for close to a year. The 20" box is completely do-able for me as I'd done them since the first year of cf. I broke my teeth in a roughhousing accident...head butt by 6 year old...and I quit jumping out a misplaced fear of hurting my face again. haha.

Anyway, recently Jeff has been encouraging me to start working them back into my workouts by doing box jumps for part of them. The issue is all about confidence and fear. A few weeks ago I did the 50 box jumps in 7 minutes using the 20" box. Then we did a FGB style WO with box jumps and after the first round I did all the jumps on the 20" box. It slows me down because of my pauses at the bottom to psyche myself up.

Yesterday we had 3 rounds of 20" box jumps and I determined to do them with as little pause as pausible between jumps. I did well. It felt good.

Then after class, I looked at the 24" box and asked Essie if she thought I could get to the top of it and she said of course you can! So I took a jump and my right foot landed on the top but the toe of my left foot hit the lip and I stumbled, hitting my left shin on the edge. I rubbed it bit and said...Well, I barely missed. I jus thave to tuck my feet up a tiny bit higher.

I'm not afraid of that box, I said.

So went into a squat, jumped, tucked and LANDED both feet on the top, in a squat position. Knees in my ears practically. Then stood up. I DID IT.

Waited a few then did it one more time.

Done for the day!

24" box jump. By the way...I'm only 60" tall. Next box, 30".

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Saturday - squats and box jumps

5 rounds

3 OHS 65#
6 Front Squat 65#
9 Back Squats 65#
12 20" box jumps


My partner, Flo, kicked ass.

5 rounds

3 OHS 15#
6 Front Squat 15#
9 Back Squats 15#
12 20" box step ups


Friday, March 07, 2008

Wednesday - Running and abs stuff. Horrible

This was one of Jeff's diabolical creations:

Run 1000m
100 situps
run 1000m
50 Toes to bar
Run 1000m
25 KTE

Stupid Running. Keep in mind, 1000M in brand x meters is about 1200M.


Friday, D did the workout in this format:

50 situps
50 TTB
50 KTE


His ass owes me 25 of something. Damn fast runners. Stubby legs suck.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Tuesday - CF One World Ass Whoopin

CF One World's Ass Whoopin

5 rounds
7 pull ups
7 thrusters 75#
7 burpees


pull ups unbroken
thrusters broken (kicking myself) in round 4 and 5
Burpees...ummm...a three breath break in round 4 and 5

Monday - CrossPit

Monday...too late for workout.

However CrossPit was an amazing workout from beginning to end:

Warm up: 400M run, then shrimp accross mat 4 times (until time called. I made it!)
Grappling Drills:
Drill 1: Starting in side control, two sets of partners working, 1 person observing. Partner A in side control, parnter B being controlled by Partner A. Each works to gain either closed guard or the mount. When rotate is called on partner B rotates out and the 5th person rotates in and the other partner B moves to next partner A. Keep rotating until time is called.

Drill 2: Starting in side control, two sets of partners working, 1 person observing. Partner A in with closed guard on parnter B. Partner a works to either posture out of the guard or pass guard to take the mount position Partner B attempts to Sweep out of the bottom position into the mount or gain side control. When rotate is called on partner B rotates out and the 5th person rotates in and the other partner B moves to next partner A. Keep rotating until time is called.

These drills were incredibly taxing. AND FUN.

Combo drill: With Thai pads, throw 4 straight punches, then clinch and throw 3 knees, and then throw partner around and throw two round kicks.

BEST COMBO EVER! lol. Also really taxing.

Partner A rows 30 seconds, then comes off rower and defends against Partner B who is throwing straight punches and attempting double leg takedowns. 3 rounds for each partner rowing.

Completely exhausting.

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Like Angie but.....Not


33:26 for

100 double unders 10:13
100 push ups 50 in 5:40, 50 in 8:08
100 squats 3:24
100 sit ups 6:00

situps too abmat either

Frequent yelling breaks because of bradley being under foot and coaching him on kb swings and finding him something to anchor for his situps during his 8 minute workout

3 rounds for time
5 hand stands
10 kb swings 7#
5 push
5 situps
5 pull ups

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

"I'm not Eva"

"I'm not Eva" - Modified mostly due to time constraints (and I am not ready for 2pd bell!)

3 rounds
Run 400m
30 1.5 pd swings
30 pullups


Did the kb swings in sets of 5 the entire workout. That's 18 sets of 5!
Did the pull ups 10-10-10, 10-10-5-5, 10-5-10-5

Monday, CrossPit

6 rounds
1 minute of punching hard fast on heavy bag
1 minute 9 Kb swings 35#, Becks Burpees x5 ish, 9 situps. Rest if you finish in under a minute)

(never got through to sit ups. never got a rest)

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Fight Gone Spartan

Today we had a little FGB action but with a little Crazy twist.

We were supposed to pick a partner "about the same ability level". Jeff assigned my partner. Rachel, from CFSD.

The exercises we did:

Box Jump (Rachel used 24" box, I used 20")
ManMakers with 25# dbs
Pull ups (subbed for flying pullups)
Hang Power Snatch, 55#
Spartans (Tire flip, jump into center, jump out = 1)

Totally insane. I asked Rachel to go first. I watched her totally kick ass. And she was DYING. I was afraid. Very afraid. I said, I'll get nothing even close to your score.

Rachel said what any good trainer would say (and that's how I figured out I'd be doing this workout after a trainer - egads): It doesn't matter. My 100% may get a better score but your 100% get you the same results. Give it all you got. Everyone gets the same benefit as long as they put out their 100% best effort.

OK. So then she promised she would not be that nice when coaching and I promised I'd cry. LOL.

Started the box jumps as jumps. She said start taht way then she'd tell me if I should go to step up. After 10 or so she told me to step up. About 9 step ups she had me do the rest of the minute as jumps. Got 20.

then the manmakers, pull ups and hangpower snatch, then spartans. I think we were pretty evenly matched on those. She totally beat me on box jumps.

Her rounds were 55-46-45 = 146
My rounds were 45-41-46 = 132

She was stoked on my score. "I didn't expect to get that much out of you! You rock!"

That made my day.