Saturday, February 10, 2007

Saturday - Painstorm XXII - clapping push ups x20 /flat bar pull ups x40

Buy In:
Hang on Pull-Up Bar for Max Time 1:30
Bottom of Squat Position for Max Time 1:10

For time: (start at clock time 3:30)
Sprint 200m
20 Ball Clean Thrusters
20 Clapping Push-Ups (yeah!)
Run 400m
10 Brand X Bear Complex (Clean-Thruster-Lunge-Lunge-Back Squat-Thruster) 95# - all the boys were using the 65# bars so I ended up using 38#
25 Pull-Ups & 50 Dips (35 bar dips but with good depth. This is a big improvement for me.)
Run 600M
15 Handstand Push-Ups (to tombstone pad)
20 Pistols (10 each leg) (assisted by rope)
Row 600m 2:49
30 Knees-to-Elbows -OR- 75 Sit-Ups shoot I totally missed this! Skipped.
40 Kipping Pull-Ups (2 clappers but could not catch bar on the way down) Did all these pull ups on the flat bar. I am very proud of that!

Row 400m 1:44
(somewhere around here I did 20 double unders)
Mike called time so I cashed out here at clock time 51:13 effective time about 48 minutes.

Hang on Pull-Up Bar for Max Time :40
No rest
Bottom of Squat Position for Max Time :30

Skipped: 15 L-Sit Pull-Ups -OR- 25 Kipping Pull-Ups & 25 L-Leg Raises
20 Windshield Wipers (On Ground) -OR- 50 Hanging Knee Tucks

Since the big dawgs were still going decided to do these:

Row 200m :59
30 185 lbs. Snatch Grip Deadlift (95#)
Caterpillar Walk 50m

Cash out again:
Hang on Pull-Up Bar for Max Time :30
Bottom of Squat Position for Max Time :45

The time on the clock after all that was 1:09

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