Thursday, February 01, 2007

Thursday - OHS x 75 65#, 8 sets 4,10,10,10,9,12,10,10

Warm up with some Snatch Grip DL:
75x1, 85x2, 95x2, 105x1, 100x1, 90x 3

Then scaled the 1/25 WOD
65# OHS x 75 reps
In as few sets as you can.

8 sets: 4, 10,10,10,9,12,10,10 Power snatch for each set. 65# is a PR for power snatch and OHS. Pretty sure my form needs work. I have video of one of the sets and will post a link on my blog later.

here's the vid: (wmv 10mb)

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