Thursday, March 22, 2007

Thursday - Push Press x3 @100#, 5x9 Push ups/Thruster

Did a two-fer out of sympathy for GD's next three days.

Push Press 3-3-3-3-3-3-3
(wooohooo! yes a three rep PR)

After that, 65# thrusters seemed like cake! Well, for the first two rounds of the following, anyway:

5 rounds for time
65# thruster x 9 -- all rounds UNBROKEN.
Push up x 9 -- all rounds broken.

about 10 minutes but not exactly sure. Accidently stopped the clock for one round instead of starting a new "lap". grrrr.

4 rounds in 7:27 - add about 2 minutes for the third round that was not timed.

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