Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Wed WOD - 50-30-20 D-U,Push Up,Pull Ups As Rx'd

Run a mile 9:32
Wod as rx d. 34:47
Jason's class did the WOD:

Double Unders
Push Ups
Pull Ups

Pack : 40-20-10 (can sub tuck jumps)
Puppies: 20-15-10 (can sub tuck jumps jumping pull ups, tire pushups)

Dan suggested that I mix in some tuck jumps with the double unders to keep up my metcon, but it just felt too much like .....I don't want to say cheating but I thought if I did tuck jumps I should be doing pack and I was too stubborn.

Sorry Dan. I'm bull headed

So somewhere in the 50's I did about 10 tuck jumps.

34:47 is not too bad I guess for 100 of each...that's about 12 minutes per 100. 18 minutes for the first round, same for the two smaller rounds.

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