Sunday, April 09, 2006

Saturday @ Brand X - "Baseball"

Brand X Baseball.

Each hit is a different exercise performed at Home Plate.

Hit 1: 10 Pullups
Hit 2: 15 Burpees
Hit 3: 15 Pushups
Hit 4: 15 Slamball (20#, 14#, or 12# - I used 20#)
Hit 5: 1 pass on the monkey bars
Hit 6: 15 situps with abmat

After a hit, you "run" Bases place around the outside of the building

First Base: 15 tire/box jumps
Second Base: 15 Kettlebell swings (55#, 35# etc..I used 35# but I did 3 with 55# before David said - you'll get tired REALLY fast using it.)
Third Base: 15 Squats

The score a run AFTER you complete the home plate exercise.

I scored 4 runs: I got all the way up to the Slam balls + 8 tire jumps.

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