Thursday, April 13, 2006

Sound off

OK, you guys. I know you're out there! ;)

Say "hey" or somethin'. sheesh.


Davie said...

Howdy missus

Unknown said...

ha! I knew you were out there! :) I am getting a decent amount of traffic but no comments.

How are you?

Davie said...

im am doing great

cant wait to get to london next week for teh seminar

Anonymous said...

April 13 WOD: 5k run for time. Don't see your time posted anywhere. Why not?

Unknown said...

Anonymous....oh sure keep me guessing.

I didn't do the 5K. I was going to do Nancy (5 rounds/row 500/15 OHS) but I got talked into a fitness center class. Will blog it tomorrow.

I did run the Carlsbad 5k on the 9th and my time was 31:22. Lots of times I skip the runs and do a diff WOD instead.

So - let me know who you are! ;)

Unknown said...

Davie, I am soooo jealous. I am sure i'll never get to London. I will be in atlanta in May and my hubby said he would visit CFATL with me, though.