Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Wednesday - Box jumps, push ups, thrusters

Warmed up with timed pull ups: Did 26 pull ups in one set. 1:00 I lost count on my next set. I did pull ups for 3 minutes.

Then did the 6pm class. Jason is evil incarnate! ...ahem. I mean this is a good workout.

20" Box Jumps
Push ups

Big Dawgs: 95#/65#
Pack: 65#/45#
Puppies: 45#/25#, tire pushups, short box jumps

I did the Big Dawg (65#), in 21:10

That was hard.


Anonymous said...

Hey Laurar thx for the link--I'm at work now & I can't download wmvs. Gotta wait til I get home! Well I've been eating tuna, apples,green salads, water, plain seltzer for almost 3 days (alright I confess, I used about 2 tbsps of organic mayo at dinner) & haven't lost one pound! I thought the dial on the scale would more a little.. ah well!

Unknown said...

On the me (laurar06 @ and I will send you the pdf of CrossFit's Zone diet plan.

Nothing that gets you to lose weight in 2 days will last if you stop doing it! ;) Keep at it. All your diet changes should be something you can keep doing for the next 20 years.

Anonymous said...

I didn't really think I'd lose wgt in 2 days but I thought hey w/o eating pasta, rice, cookies, cake, ice cream, potatoes, sausage, etc etc for a couple of days I'd actually be lighter(?) the thing that really rankles me is I can actually gain 10 lbs in one night!! I really do think its part of the inevitable aging process. I'm really not "fat" in the usual sense but I can see I've gotten a little sloppy in the ab area--thanks for the encouragement!! I will email you today!