Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Wednesday -- Elizabeth


Cleans (PC) 95#
Ring Dips


Last time 33:29

So last Friday night at dinner with a few folks from Brand X we were talking about the whole Elizabeth controversy, full cleans versus power cleans and the power output of workouts using the two types. Jeff has always advocated that Power Cleans were the original design of Elizabeth, Grace and I don't know if he mentioned JT but I imagine that is the case as well.

I did Grace with 95 pound power cleans and push presses a week or so ago in a record time for me. So I told Jeff that I needed to do Elizabeth again with the 95# ladies weight. The last time I did it was the first time I had done so...I like to call that a "Getting to know you" time. Since you don't know what to expect, your first time is almost not really a benchmark. More of a dry run. I had to do the cleans as singles as well as the dips, as I had never done either in a workout. Jeff said I was the only woman at Brand X to use that weight and my time didn't really matter, just doing as RX'd was an accomplishment.

So this time, I was able to do sets of 3's and 4's with the cleans. Started with weak shrug and very little knee bend on the catch. Finished 21 in 3 minutes. Toward the middle of the second round, worked into a tired froth, forced to shrug more and dip more for the catch. On the dips, started with sets of 3, and went to 2's after about 4 sets, then went to singles. The second round started with 2's and went to singles quickly. Last round, all singles.

I'm really happy with this time. VERY HAPPY.


Craig Massey said...

Way cool!

Unknown said...

yeah, huh!!!

yaaaayyyy. I told Jeff I wanted to break 20 and I did it!!!