Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Wednesday - Painstorm

I did the big dawg painstorm tonight at Dan's 6pm class

Men use 115
Women use 80
10 Front squat
10 Push press
10 Thruster
10 Pull-up
10 Burpee

8 Front squat
8 Push press
8 Thruster
20 Pull-up
15 Burpee

6 Front squat
6 Push press
6 Thruster
30 Pull-up * I onlhy did 25 here so tacked onto my 50 pull ups at the end of last round.
20 Burpee

4 Front squat
4 Push press
4 Thruster
40 Pull-up
25 Burpee

2 Front squat
2 Push press
2 Thruster
50 Pull-up
30 Burpee

My time was 44:28. Pretty happy with that.

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