Sunday, May 27, 2007

Not quite a muscle up but I WILL get one.

Still not keeping my elbows in enough.


Craig Massey said...

You had me gritting my teeth in sympathy at the end.
I had a poke around the other videos and pictures on your site (hope you don't mind) and came across you doing pull-ups. From your self deprecating comments at brandx I assumed you were doing jumping pull-ups or another scaled down version, but you're doing full kipping pull-ups! And very well too.
Look out for some questions from me about that if I still haven't got it figured out shortly. Right, if Laura can do it, I can do it, in the nicest possible way of course.

Unknown said...

Thanks, Metric. I dont' mind a bit. Hardly anyone comments but I do hope folks are out there getting a bit of encouragement. If I can do it, indeed, anyone can. Truer words were never spoken.

I am a bit self deprecating, and funny enough, although I've been at this for 3 years, doing pull ups for about 2 years, I have never felt like I am "good at this". Until recently.

A few weeks ago, Jeff told me, "You should give yourself more credit."

I truly feel like I've broken through the mediocre performance I was stuck in last year. But now, on top of good form, strength and determination, I now have added a layer of performance that I never dreamed possible.

I can't believe I am so close to a muscle up. I've always only thought of it as a dream.

Two years ago, I said to Jeff, I'm going to get a muscle up. He just looked at me and said, deadpan, that's a good goal.


Craig Massey said...

Jeff's dead right.
Both about the goal, and I know you will achieve it, and about giving yourself more credit. You're an invaluable member of the Crossfit and BrandX communities and you keep going from strength to strength in your athletic performance. I keep looking at the sheer volume of work you're putting in and being astounded at your energy and drive. That's why I know you'll get your muscle-up one day.
Do I qualify for my LauraR fan-club T-shirt yet. :-)

Why is that the lockout on a muscle-up is so much harder than the lockout for a ring dip? I see you struggling at exactly the same point I do, but I don't have anywhere near as much trouble locking out a ring dip. I have trouble getting out of the hole, but not locking out. That's a rhetorical question BTW (unless you know the answer), just something that sprang to mind as I watched the video earlier, and, why I gritted my teeth. I know how hard those last few inches can be.