Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Wednesday - Bradley's "Here comes the hurt" 11:25

My workout courtesy of Bradley
Bradley's version:
4 stair climbs, 5 pp 5# dbs, 18 jumping jacks, 9 kb swings 5#
8 stair climbs, 10pp 5# dbs, 18 jumping jacks, 9 kb swings 5#
12 stair climbs, 5 pp 3# dbs, 36 jumping jacks, 9 kb swings 2.5#

My version: "Here comes the hurt" - which is what Bradley said in the middle of the round two stair climbs)

4 stair climbs (ascent+ descent = 1 rep)
5 push press (20#db)
18 jumping jacks
9 kb swings (20# db)

8 stair climbs (ascent+ descent = 1 rep)
10 push press (20#db)
36 jumping jacks
18 kb swings (20# db)

12 stair climbs (ascent+ descent = 1 rep)
15 push press (20#db)
54 jumping jacks
27 kb swings (20# db)


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