Wednesday, March 29, 2006

CrossFit with the Boys

How many rounds can you complete in 20 minutes of:

Russ 6 rounds
10 40# assisted pullups
10 bench press 135#
10 shoulder presses 35# dbs.

Christian 3 rounds + 10 PU + 10 BP + 7 Presses
10 40# assisted pullups
10 bench press 135#
10 shoulder presses 35# dbs.

Laura 5 rounds + 10 pull ups
10 single kipped pullups
10 Push ups
10 shoulder presses 15# dbs.

This KICKED MY ASS! Subbed pushups because it would be hard to rotate in for time while switching out weights. Did pullups on the cable machine bar with a kick/kip. Christian made fun of how I looked. If that bar was longer I could maybe kip a couple of reps in a row but as it is, I have to get down between reps.

Still a killer workout.

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