Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Yeah Burpees!

Jason made up this workout for wednesday:

Big Dogs
Push Press (95# men/65#women)

I came in when class was practically over.
"What have you got for me?"
"Over there...Do it! Do it with 45. You can use the 45# bar, right?"
"Yeah, 45# isn't too bad for me anymore."

So I did the pack workout:
Push Press (45#)
28:10 - I pushed myself on that one. Tried not to rest longer than it too keep from hyperventilating. I rocked the push press. I did the first set unbroken! the pushup part of the Burpees is what kills me, muscle fatigue-wise.

Jason did the big dog in 18-something, and David Shanahan did it with 65# in 16-something.

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